Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Email to USUHS Radiation Specialists (Feb. 21, 2008)

Trying to Locate Researchers A. Romanyukha and C.A. Mitchell‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 2/21/08 6:56 PM
To Whom it May Concern:

I am trying to find contact information for two researchers from USUHS, A. Romanyukha and C.A. Mitchell, who published an article about measuring radiation exposure through fingernails. I have some questions for them as to what methods are available for measuring exposure 1 or more months after exposure, as it appears fingernails may only be useful in the first 2 days after the fact.

If someone could put me in touch with contact information for either one or both of these researchers, I would be thankful. I am trying to find a way to test for radiation exposure 1 or more months after exposure, for legal purposes and evidence, and would be willing to pay for testing. I am hoping that someone may have information.

Thank you,


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