Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wenatchee CPS Stalls On Visitation (Feb. 21, 2008)

FW: Unnecessary Delay in Scheduled Visitations‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 2/21/08 5:43 PM
This is how CPS "cares" and how much they are interested in Oliver's best interests. If you and Dad do not intervene and offer a loan for a private attorney, that's it. I've given you all the documentation and lies about me, and I've begged and pleaded with practically my LIFE, and you don't answer me. You didn't even respond to the fact that I asked for a LITTLE money for sleeping pills when you know YOU and DAD have had to use them before, and leave me here to suffer.

I have already told you I am NOT going back to Wenatchee. I've tried to explain how bad it has been for me there and you're not listening or answering me. I gave you all kinds of documentation about the justice system in Wenatchee and their court appointed attorneys, and you have proof that Pamela played you and lied to all of you and YOU AND DAD MADE A PROMISE to me to help me with a lawyer if anyone ever tried to take Oliver.

YOU PROMISED ME. And now, so far, you're breaking your promise. And look at what CPS gets away with in the meantime. If I had a private attorney, I wouldn't be having to wait 3 days for someone from CPS to get back to me when they're required to respond within 24 hours, and I wouldn't be made to wait one full week to see Oliver. It DOES NOT have to take that long and yet you don't believe me when I tell you I need change of venue and I've had political problems with Wenathcee DSHS.

If I have a private lawyer, he could shoot off a letter and an emergency court document, asking the court to modify their former orders and he can request better visitation.

They can do a lot MORE and reunite me with Oliver. I'm going to lose him in the next hearing if I don't have a private lawyer. And at that point, if you guys do this to me and Oliver, I will not be able to bear the heartache and will leave Oliver forever and my family forever because I am NOT going through the BULLSHIT when I know it will hurt me and not help getting Oliver back anyway. I have ZERO faith in the system there. I know doing what THEY want me to do will only hjurt me and Oliver anyway. And I will not have the strength to do that, and jump through their hoops, to have them crucify me in the end anyway, and leave me without not just my son, but with a false mental health evaluation and other crap.

I will not do it. You should know your daughter by now.

You should know me well enough to know I will not do this and that if I say something, I mean it.

I need to know if you and Dad are concerned at all or if you're still refusing to help with a loan. I need to know as soon as possible, because when I get the definitive response from you that you absolutely will not help me with a private lawyer, even when I offer to pay the loan back, that's it. I will shut down and refuse to participate in any form of the process because I KNOW what lies ahead without good legal counsel and it's pointless. I have NO FAITH in the system. DO YOU GET THIS?!!!

I have asked my son's grandparents for a loan for a very good reason, for probably the most important matter of my life. I have promised to pay back the loan. I have reminded you of your countless promises to me that you would help me if they tried to take Oliver away. I have tried to explain how naive you are to this process and I've tried to explain how you can actually help and what kind of a difference a private lawyer would make. There's nothing more that I can do.

You turn your back on me and go along with the state, they get everything they want, including my son. There are two ways for the state to have my son permanently removed from me and they know it: 1. By default (if I don't show up), or 2. with Evidence (they force me to undergo their evaluations to try to obtain evidence against me).

If CPS cared so much about me and Oliver being togehter, they wouldn't have ignored me and my mutliple messages for over 3 days, and then strung this out for another week. They DON"T CARE.

They are comfortable that Oliver is with Holly and think he's doing well there. they imagine he WASN"T doing well with me and was at risk. As for ME, do you think they care about ME? YOUR DAUGHTER? they don't carre about my pain and suffering at all. They try to tell you they do, but they don't. All they want is justification for their actions. They have to prove their case, that I'm an unfit mother, and they need evidence. They know a private lawyer will point out they have NO evidence I am a HARM to my son. But without a private attorney,the court will go along with anything and everything they say, even if it is not true.

I am not sleeping at all and I'm done begging on my hands and knees, your own daughter, your only daughter, like a dog, after being treated like a dog, for help. I shouldn't have to beg like this and I'm not going to beg anymore. I need to know what your decision is.

Subject: FW: Unnecessary Delay in Scheduled Visitations
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:25:10 -0800

I have asked how to request Marie be removed from my case and no one has replied. I also need to see my son sooner than an entire week away. This is NOT in the best interest of my son. Finally, it took 3 days for CPS to respond to my request to visit my son, and even then, after Marie knew I had a job, I was not contacted as to what will work with my schedule and this was put off for an entire week. This little boy has not seen his mother for 2 weeks already and another week is unnecessary and harmful to his well-being and understanding that his mother is not gone forever. My son has never been babysat by anyone else except his grandmother, for a total of 8 times, and has done all of his activities daily, with me. He was happy, healthy, and he is extremely well adjusted and I've had compliments about how well adjusted and trusting he is of people. He cries for me and you don't care. My son cannot even articulate his desire to see his mother and you don't care. You claim to be all about unification and yet you've taken extreme measures to break the parental bond and attempt to forge a new one for your own political purposes. You know the longer he is apart from me, not seeing me at all, the more difficult it will be for him to trust I am coming back and will be in his life on a consistent basis. You ask my son to suffer and wonder where I am.

Subject: Unnecessary Delay in Scheduled Visitations
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:15:35 -0800


I tried calling you again at about 4:50 p.m. as no one from CPS had yet contacted me about scheduled visitation. I stated I would be sending an email to document my message and then I left a message in Jennifer Godfrey's mailbox.

I have already asked that my case be reassigned to someone besides yourself and haven't heard from anyone about this.

In addition, you were aware that I am working and have a job and yet you didn't consult me as to my work schedule.

I called you almost 3 days ago and left messages with you and you neglected to respond within the mandated time period.

In the last five minutes, you called me to announce my visitation was scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. I told you I have a job and you didn't consult with me about it. You claimed not to know and yet this was discussed in court yesterday, on the record. I told the court I had a job and I told Pamela and you knew as well that I am now working. Your response was not to find out what times work for me but to ask, "Where are you working?" It is none of CPS's business where I work. What is relevant is that I am working, I said so in court yesterday, and you did NOT consult with me about my schedule, in all the time you took to delay arranging for visitation.

THEN, you tell me the first time I am even allowed to SEE my son is 5 days away, on Tuesday. I asked for visitation 3 days ago and you put this out for ONE WEEK? You and CPS are fully aware that my son has been with me and has not had another caregiver, for his entire life. I made an attempt to see him ASAP and you force him to wait another FIVE days to see his mother, claiming nothing could be worked out sooner. This is NOT in the "best interests" of my son and this kind of delay is detrimental and a harm to his emotional health and well-being. You don't just tear a baby away from his mother who slept by her side and played everyday with her, and keep him from her for this period of time.

You will have to change the visitation hours to accomodate my work schedule. The visitations will have to be at night and allow for travel at night from this area, to return in the early morning hours the next day. I would have to have time to drive/travel from after 7 p.m. to arrive and then depart after or around midnight so I'm able to be at work the next day.

I may be able to keep the first visit on Tuesday the 26th, but I will be asking Jennifer Godfrey to change this and move up visitation to an earlier date.

It seems to be that your goal, at CPS, is not to reunite me with my son, but to create distance and separate us for as long of a period as possible, to try to break the bond we have and then claim he's not damaged from the separation. The more time goes by, you hope, the more he may forget about me and not react when I'm taken away from him again.

I have also repeatedly asked that you be removed from this case and no one has attended my request. I have asked for Jennifer Godfrey's email address and left several messages with her, which I've documented, asking how to discuss your removal and no reply has been made.


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