Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Family, Police Advocacy of Spanking & Abuse of My Son

Not one person in my family called me for mother's day, or sent me a note to let me know how my son is doing.

My aunt and uncle have not sent any emails updating me on anything. They just prefer to keep me in the dark about the welfare of my own son.

I had to come into town and make a report about abuse and bruising on my son which was an abnormal pattern. They took him out of daycare after I was the one to complain to CPS and police and to make comments. The monitor saw for herself how many bruises were on my son's legs and watched as I counted them out, on his one leg and then the other, on two separate occasions when we both noticed the pattern was the same--multiple bruises on my son's right leg and just a few on his left leg, in the shape of perfectly round marks, like would come from fingers.

I also noted a pinch type of a mark on his arm along with the brusising, and reported this on April 29th, which involved burst blood vessels and scratching. The next time I saw my son he was bruise free but had a mark on his belly that was very small but red and THAT could have been possibly from a zipper pinching skin or someone pinching him.

Then, just a week later, my son had the same pattern of multiple bruising on his one leg but just a few on the other, and a cut on his foot which he said was from someone kicking him. The monitor heard my son say this, that someone kicked him.

Oh yeah, and this is about the time CPS is complaining to the Judge that my son is having "behavioral issues" and implying I'M the problem!

The detective was Jerry Moore and another guy and when I told them my aunt and uncle also spanked my son when it wasn't allowed and I complained and CPS did nothing, these guys supported the spankings. I told them it was against CPS policy and they tried to say it was NOT. I said yes it was, especially before there was any contested sheltercare hearing, and CPS finally admitted it was wrong and asked the Avilas not to spank my son and my aunt, having already admitted they spanked him, said they'd comply.

They have not been in compliance. My son said in a visit, "si" to being spanked. He said he was spanked and he knew what he was talking about. Not only was my son being spanked, which these officers think is just fine, even by others who are not my son's parents, my son was being abused.

I took photos of this and Jerry Moore said he'd go out the next day and take their own photos but they didn't. I had written out a statement and he saw MY photos of my son's bruises but didn't go out even though he said he would. When I asked why NOT, after the bruising had already gone away and it was too late to document, he said it was because he was waiting ON ME to send him MY photos before going out there. He didn't need MY photos. He could have written his own sworn statement for reasonable cause, that he witnessed photos I showed him, with dates on the photos, that showed the bruising.

The next time I went into the office, the police office, was when the same bruise pattern reappeared and no kid "plays" like that, where they consistently bruise themselves multiple times on ONE leg in small circular bruise patterns but only a couple times on the other leg. Moore suggested maybe it was from holding down legs for a diaper change. I NEVER had to use such force that it left marks like that.

Not only that, I was the one who had to ONCE AGAIN, tell the state that my son needed to be TREATED for tinea versicolor. I had it and my son showed he still had it and was reappearing with the son. Well, I was MOCKED for trying to get help for my son a year ago, and he was refused treatment. Michelle even brought this up in court, mocking "tinea versicolor" as if I'd come up with some paranoid diagnosis myself.

Oliver still HAD it when I saw him again. THIS time, after I said something, my son was obviously treated, or someone scrubbed the hell out of his forehead to remove the spot, because it wasn't there at all a week later. I know when I was treated for tinea, it went away almost immediately.

It is distressing for a mother to see this kind of treatment from her own family, which never cared to visit MY SON even ONCE when they were invited to do so, when he was in my care. Why do you think all the neighbors knew me and my son? Because we had to form our own "large and closely connected family" because my own family is so fucked up they can't relate to anyone who isn't going to church 4 times a week, married by 20, and "speaking in tongues". I had to BEG my own mother and father to come over to see Oliver for his 1st birthday and they complained about the cost of gas. However, since he's been removed, they've made at least 3-4 trips. Not only that, the rest of the Bairds suddenly took an interest in my son, and an interest in keeping him from me, to ensure he didn't "go to hell" (because he just MIGHT! a 2 year old, for not going to church). They didn't even know I actually took my son to church and we were starting to go to a nursery at the Presbytarian church in town. But it wasn't good enough because people weren't waving their hands in the air, becoming ecstatic, and rolling around on the ground and going to "healing rooms" in their spare time.

Meanwhile, my aunts kids keep blogs which describe what "God told me" today. Every week God is talking to them in an audible voice. Really nice stuff actually, the voice isn't telling anyone to go out and kill of course, but voices nonetheless. "God spoke to me and told me, in the middle of my prayer, that I need to be nicer to my brother." Thanks Jimminy Cricket.

I see a fucking cricket perched on the shoulder of my cousins and they think it's God, minimized like "Honey! I shrunk the kids!" and he's just sitting around whispering sweet nothings into their ears.

The other thing that's concerning, is that my son still showed signs of abuse, and if I'm correct, my aunt said in the last visit when he showed up with bruises, that his last day in daycare had been on Monday. Well, Sherlock, MONDAY was the day my son finally had NO bruises except a couple which could have been from playing. It was on WEDNESDAY that he had all the fucking bruises again. If my son's last day was over the weekend or Monday, who gave him the bruises on Monday night or Tuesday, which showed up darkly by Wednesday?

I'm sorry, but bruising like that, showing up as dark as they were, in a 48 hour timespan, is NOT FUCKING NORMAL.

And NO, I don't swear around kids. I never did before and I still do not. Everyone who knows me knows this.

At any rate, the pattern of bruising, pinching and cuts from someone "kicking" MY son, which I had HOPED was at least coming from the babysitter, looks like it's actually coming from the super-religious, holier-than-thou Avilas whose christianity permits abuse of children and neglect, but not a phone call to the mother or a note letting her know how he's doing.

By the way, a note on fucking NEGLECT...

I had to cut my son's fingernails AGAIN, because they were long again, and dirty and had been tearing from the side because no one cut them. My son has been neglected, dumped into a shoddy shitty daycare and abused by who knows who, and these people sit around and celebrate while the real mother is standing by like an accused criminal by state workers and a JUDGE who should be accused of crime and violations of civil and constitutional laws.

At any rate, my son didn't like having his nails cut, but the MOTHER is the one taking care of the boy, even in a short 4 hour period, I'm the one taking care of his basic needs. Cutting his nails for crying out loud, so they don't snag and tear and hurt him.

Checking his body for bruises and reporting abnormal findings.

The parable of Solomon or test of Solomon's wisdom comes to mind. There are two women, both who claim they are the mother. No one knows, I guess, who the real mother is. Then comes the test: Solomon says he will cut the child in half and give each mother a part. The false mother says fine, and the real mothers falls down to her knees and BEGS the king to just give the child to the other woman, to keep him from being harmed. The king decides "this is the real mother, the one who doesn't want the child to be harmed". The one who cares about his interests more than her own pride. Well, I seem to be the mother who cares about her son's health and safety. I don't know, but the Avilas dress and undress my son and they didn't report anything to CPS or to the police. I reported concerns to both agencies.

Because the REAL MOTHER


Okay, I'm calming down now, someone called me and reassured me about some things so I feel better. I am just hoping my son is returned to me ASAP. I am so anxious I haven't been able to eat or sleep very well.

He just needs to be with me again.

Oh, and I bought him organic whole milk again, even though I couldn't get the kind from the dairy and he was HAPPILY drinking his milk again! And it wasn't chocolate milk! He even offered me some, and when I pretended, he made sure I really had a drink and I could tell it was the milk I'd bought for him. He and I both can tell the difference. He's too thin and needs whole milk still, in my opinion, not the other stuff. I don't blame him for not wanting to drink that other crap.


Anonymous said...

Your family didn't call you on Mother's Day. According to when you posted your blog, Mother's Day was only 1 minute old and hopefully everybody who had any sense was in bed asleep. Mother's Day is on Sunday. Your blog wasn't posted on Monday because it's only Sunday.

Mama said...

Okay sorry fam,

I meant on a day when everyone was celebrating mother's day with a party and my own mother at the house, and my mother didn't bother to even tell me she was in town.

I visited my grandmothers for mother's day because she has been more of a mother than to me than my own mom.

My own mom most recently took my cedar hope chest which was a gift for my 16th birthday party and tried to initially deny that it was mine.

I overheard granny telling grandpa, last night, that she actually believed it because she heard her "girls" (my mother and aunts) talking shit about me. Of course granny didn't say "shit" but I guess she heard my mom and aunts ganging up on me and saying spiteful and hateful things.

Feelin' the luv.