Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Just Give Her Her Kids Back!"

A man said this today, about me and my son, to others. Kept saying, "Just give her kid back, just give her her kid back..."

and I think that is the wisest man I've known about for a long time and others should listen very carefully to him.

I strongly believe others need to get involved at this point, and make this happen. I have people who cannot even believe my story because all they say all the time is, "But they can't do that" and "that's illegal", and "no, you have to be wrong--they can't do that." The thing is, things that "can't" or "shouldn't" be done were done and I'm just asking for what was and is mine to begin with, to be returned to me.

I don't believe keeping my son and keeping this up is going to be very beneficial or even satisfying, in the long run. I don't think it's been productive in the way some have hoped it would be, and at this point, it just makes all the good people in the U.S. looked bad. It makes the U.S. look bad, period and yet it's a bunch of rotten apples that are in the way.

I DO believe that something that be done, or negotiated, through powerful persons but it's not going to happen expecting someone else to do something.

I am also in no mood to really work for anyone when I don't have anyone working for me to get my son back. I am not a selfish person and I've done good despite the wrong that has been done to me and my son, but I'm tired of giving with all the take and no give in return. I would like to do more for others but it's not going to happen without my son. Like I said, my son is my ark and taking that ark from me is not God's will, I know personally, and it is not the best way to get the most out of me either.


Anonymous said...

No one is out to get you. No one is keeping your son from you except you. Take responsibility for your life and quit blaming absolutely everything on everyone else. All you have done in your blog is say such and such happened but it wasn't your fault. Alot of what I have read could have been avoided but you want to be a "victim" and want people to feel sorry for you. Your pettiness and need to be right about everything is annoying. I don't read your blog, I look to see if you've changed your ways, learned from your mistakes, taken responsibility but in all this time you haven't. You can rant and rave all you want but it doesn't change the fact you haven't taken respsonsibility for anything.

Mama said...

I'm pretty sure I know who this is. And that is a sad thing too.

If you're not both reading my blog and then talking to me on a regular basis to know or confirm what is going on, you have no basis for saying anything.

You're entitled to your opinions on a totally non-informed and biased position, and one which comes with its own baggage and motivations.

Thanks for writing.

Matt said...

I tend to agree with anonymous. You seem to cling to delusions and conspiracies that are EASILY disproven. I personally know some of the people you write about in your blog, though I do not work in the system nor do I have any part in your court cases. I know well the personal lives of several people you write about on a regular basis. Your psychic READINGS are astoundingly off, and your judgments about people’s motives and character issues are extremely defamatory at best. I am one of many who read your blog out of the same curiosity as anonymous -- I read for morbid amusement and in hopes you've gotten a clue. Because you've made yourself such a nuisance around the Wenatchee area, many people from many agencies and friends and family of those people now read your blog for pure amusement. It’s unfortunate that such an intelligent person like you has become a combination of village idiot and town crazy lady. You are close to either being arrested for your bizarre behavior or being found in contempt of court. Either way, I predict at least short term involuntary commitment in your future. I hope they are able to help you if that occurs. It appears your brain won’t allow you to trust anyone enough to get help for yourself at this point.

Mama said...


I predict you will never have a PhD in anything and certaintly not anything in the psychic field.

Your characterizations are wrong and your claims about my psychic insight being "off" is completely wrong. I have been over 70% accurate in these insights and just had one yesterday where I knew the woman had moved here and that it was 1 yr. ago. I didn't know her at all.

As for the jenna lord person, I felt I didn't know for sure about her. So I wrote down what came to mind, but also said I am willing to be wrong, bc I felt I was possibly wrong.

The best psychics are not always right. They are sometimes wrong or sort of off a little.

What has been different about me, is that I have been right far too often. I also doubted myself more in the past and I finally realized, I have a gift. I still doubt though, and when I didn't believe this guy when I got something about his pinkies, he had to show me how they popped and cracked out loud before I even believed I was right.

It's individuals like you who end up nuts, because you put yourself and everyone else in a straight jacket and don't want anyone to breathe unless they're breathing some kind of life into a stupid business, which you would use to further your own agenda. It's people like you that have never once dropped a dollar into the hand of someone who asked for it, because you you're so far down, morally, you think they should be doing you favors before you can have a better opinion of their worth as a human being.

I predict...let me think and then I'll be back with that...

Mama said...

I see you, Matt, having issues with doing the dishes.

I see yellow rubber gloves in your future.