Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Hello Little Bear,

I put up your artwork (on a wall in the kitchen) last night. Two finger-paintings and 3 crayon drawings. My favorite one is the first time you drew (scribbled) anything on your own, months ago, and it's done in black crayon and looks like a crane. You made the design in one fell swoop and flourish, never taking the crayon off the page and then that was it.

You still eat the crayons. I've only dated your art but one I was tempted to name: Spittle from Red Crayon. I'm glad they're not toxic. I'm going to put up butcher paper along the wall so you can draw on the walls.

You will have an indoor sandbox for the winter months. A few days ago we bought a kiddie pool (which is now filled with water) and some clean play sand. Later, I"ll move the pool into the kitchen and fill it with sand. We'll just sweep out any excess. It was only $7 for the pool and $2.30 per bag for the sand (bought 5 bags). We also bought sand toys.

Yesterday I dropped food coloring into the pool water. First red. You put your hand in to touch it and it turned yellow, sort of a toilet yellow so then I added blue, but you lost interest and wanted to look at the tractors.

You love those tractors! Why is it that you love the tractors on the farm here, but not at the John Deere store? I took you there a few days ago and you were thrilled, but you seem to like the ones at home better. Maybe because you see Grandpa and his brothers on them and they're more sentimental. You want to touch and examine every part of the tractors here but I have to keep your hands off because there may be pesticide residue. I was hoping you'd get your hands-on at the tractor store. You go up to the tractor tires and say, "room-room!" You've been doing this for months.

We have a fish. I named him Harry and then tacked on "Prince". Right now you're terrorizing Prince Harry. Unintentionally. First you had your finger on the glass from the outside and were making "nice fishie" noises and now your hand is in the bowl. You've taken it out now (after I asked you to) and want breakfast. Or, my undivided attention.

Love you,

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