Saturday, July 21, 2007

Prologue to The Little Black Book of an Unknown (Cameo Garrett) and Extended Dedication to Certain Members of the International Public

Yesterday in the grocery line I talked to a man who flew planes with pesticides--he sprayed fruit orchards. He told me he has a number of allergies as a result and buys organic whenever possible. Somehow we started talking about organic products.

I can't afford to go all-organic for myself AND my son, so I just buy for my son. I realized last night that almost every post so far mentions food. I suppose food and nutrition are quite important to me. This morning my son had organic eggs, shrimp, cheese, and fruit salad with honey and fresh lime juice for breakfast. Oh, and of course, his tomato. I had the same, but used non-organic eggs and cheese for me. For lunch he had teriyaki (msp) and pineapple chicken meatballs and a vegetable mix (organic) and I had the same as well as half a Hersheys chocolate bar. I give my son chocolate too. It's one sweet that I approve of. He doesn't drink juices or artificial sugary things but chocolate? everyone needs chocolate.

I have to go...making a run to buy raw milk this afternoon.

At some point, I am going to figure out how to separate but include some observations and experiences I've had with less enteric matters. I have some things to say about class, politics and the justice system in the U.S., and also, about some experiences I've had with discrimination, the Catholic church (including being a participant in the Portland Archdiocese Bankruptcy and being a target of their hostilities which has included stalking, defamation, property damage, and use of police that are Catholic to give me false citations, threaten me, and intimidate, etc.), the FBI, the media (The Willametee Week), the welfare system, narcotic pain managment (and the paranoia doctors have with this), crime (being a victim of a few different crimes, including being held hostage and being harassed), being falsely accused based on assumptions/gossip, human trafficking of domestic workers, a few celebrity and very rich as well as very poor that I've known, cross-cultural relationships, and, oh...a few other things like cover-ups of all kinds and circling the wagon.

I intend to write a book and am working on it, but in the meantime, while I may be naming names online, from my legal research I've discovered it is not slander, libel, or defamation, to speak up about the truth, and especially when it is necessary to do so because of the need to correct slander against one's own name. So at some point, I will figure out a way to organize the matter in a way that's easy for a reader to follow.

My son will be raised with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, inasmuch as I can help it.

What is shocking or almost unbelievable, is that I've experienced so much. It is correct that truth is often stranger than fiction. But I believe my story is not just an American story (I had once aspired to write "The Great American Novel"), and it's not a novel. It's a universal story and international, and the insights I've gained from these trials are going to give someone else out there, strength, determination, and courage to stand up for what is right, and then, to find peace, happiness, and satisfaction from absolute self-respect.

So, this day of July 2007, I include the poor, the discriminated, the down-trodden and discouraged in the dedication of this site to my son.

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