Monday, August 27, 2007

Bear: Running Together

Hello Little Bear,

When you wake up in the morning, you pull me to the door to go outside. When we go out, you hold my hand and run and want me to run with you. Or, we run side by side, together down the roads in the orchard. Sometimes I break away to run ahead, back and forth, and you stop and stand still, with a big grin, watching me. I'll look back, and there you are, standing in the middle of the road with apple trees framing you, with your big brown eyes framed by your hair that is turning copper with the sun. When I come back to you, you take off, showing me how you can run too.

When I sing, "Down to the River" about the little ducks, you clap your hands, and wave them, and sway back and forth when I sing.

Yesterday you walked across pallets that were lined up, with holes inbetween. You were careful to walk over the holes. 1, 2, 3, 4, step over the hole/1, 2, 3, 4, step over the hole...You kept a rhythm as you did this, with your steps.

The last time we were at the library, a week ago, when a little boy took a car from you, you protested. Yay! I was glad to see you knew your rights.

You look at yourself in the mirror and try out various expressions. Flirtaceous, angry, surprised. You'll watch yourself talking and sticking out your tongue. When you cry and there are tears, you go to the mirror to see what it looks like. You look at yourself from the side, front, and every angle, and try new postures. Then you'll start screaming high-pitched squeals and watch yourself.

We play hide-and-seek behind the towers of apple crates and trees. A couple of times you tricked me, baiting me to chase you in one direction and then changing direction instead of following the expected course.

Love you!

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