Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Explanation to the Guardianship Matter

I found out what happened with the words appearing on the screen about guardianship. I don't know my own computer file got mixed up with clicking from one screen to the next, but I didn't intercept someone else's e-mail--"Guardianship of _____" is the name of a document I created long ago and it's a will. I had forgotten about it because it was so long ago that I wrote it, right after childbirth practically in the first sleep-deprived months when I thought I might literally be on the way to dying. I wrote a will. I felt AWFUL. I had a horrible and traumatic delivery which should have been a C-section and was forced instead. I will definitely be writing about that experience down the road, and namin' some names, but right now I've got two "threads" going on being a domestic worker so I want to get into that. I named one "NFTN" and then maybe the stuff about being a personal assistant for the house of Rabbi Rose will be "Roses (1,2,3,etc)".

Oh, but I DID intercept other e-mails all the time when I worked for a computer company. So it reminded me of this--when switching from one thing to the next, I'd get someone else's page or e-mail in the middle of it. Still kind of weird this document of mine came up bc it's been buried and haven't opened it for ages. But at least I wasn't imagining things!

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