Sunday, August 5, 2007


I noticed I'm in the search engines now. A little scary. It's like being in the public pool in your bathing suit, and letting people know, if they want to see more, they can go with you into a dressing room. And then there I am, in the dressing room stall, naked, yakking, and I don't even know who is coming in for a peek. Or maybe, being a blogger is like being part of a big nudist colony... I'm going to try to forget about it. Throw back my shoulders even. Just pretend like I've always gone to the beach in the nude.

Well now, I can't remember what I was going to write about! Stagefright! Okay, remember your audience is your son...My compass...

I guess I'll ramble until I find my point.

It's been 5 minutes and I'm just sitting here. Thinking, and can't form a thought.

I've noticed I title my blogs with important-sounding titles and contrasts: Like, "War and Peace", "On Such and Such", and Whatever: The Word We Use When Language Fails. I think all of this is a remnant from college days. The longer the title, the more important the paper/thesis.

Alrighty...I'm drinking Perrier for breakfast again. You know, there is something to natural carbonation. I am lately into club soda and plain sparkling waters. I don't like the flavored ones and I don't like soda (except Coke with certain foods, like pizza and occasional Mexican taco). When I drank, which I don't do now, at all (though I'm not against having a drink with a friend), I had vodka-soda. Now I just have the water. I thought Perrier was very good and then I tried Talking Rain. I did NOT like it. I thought maybe the packaging made the difference--the Perrier was in a glass bottle and the Talking Rain in plastic, but I just did a taste comparison test last night with Perrier in a plastic bottle and it still tastes better. Then I tried Calistoga and found it comparable to Perrier. Calistoga and Perrier are from natural carbonation so is this the difference? I did notice the Talking Rain went flat faster. Also, what is triple carbonation? I read that on a can of club soda, which I liked. Who knew there were so many forms of carbonation?! And what is carbonation, exactly and how does it affect the body? It sounds like a stupid question, but I'll probably look up the answer online. This is why I cannot live without the Internet.

I am going to have to come back to this. 1., I can't think, 2. My son is up, 3., We've errands to run. I DO mean to get into the real meat of serious things that have happened to me, as mentioned in my former Dedication of the Little Black Book of an Unknown, but I'm not ready yet. When it's ready to unfold, it will.

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