Friday, August 10, 2007

Woodpecker Morning

Hello Little Bear,

It's going to be one of those days. You woke up crying and drooling (your molars are coming in) and I woke up to find my "diaper idea" for you wasn't working. More on that in a minute. Then, I thought someone was at the door, but it was a woodpecker, who had rapped 3 times and then gone to the nearby tree. Then I wanted to put batteries in the wall clock (ummm...we haven't had a clock except for the computer clock, which gets screwed up often with power surges, since you were born) and it's screwed into the packaging with tiny screws (who got the BRIGHT idea of using screws instead of wire ties?! like someone is going to make off with a huge $5 clock if the huge box isn't attached) and the only screwdriver I can find is a flat one that is, literally, at least one foot long with a huge head. It must be a construction-style screwdriver. So then I'm trying to twist off the screws and realize a pair of scissors will be easier.

I'm going to teach you to tell time. At least to know what "15 minutes" means, with the long hand from one part to the other.

The diaper idea is still good, but not for overnight. You go through so many diapers (and we can't afford it!), I finally got some cloth trainers (3) a while ago for during the day. You go through all 3 in about 3 hours. I wash them out by hand and hang them to dry. (I never thought my bedroom would have cut-out cartoons of Cars all over the walls and little boy briefs hanging over the mirror to the vanity. I wake up to: "Rooom-rooom!" every morning (well, except this morning)). So the trainers I got you are a little too big (and they're not exactly absorbant besides) and that's pointless. I went back to the store last night to get trainers the right size which we can alternate when the others are drying. I found baby swimmers on sale. They said "waterproof" and they're cloth and have an elastic leg and waist and are very soft cotton. That's when I thought I could use them for reusable diapers. So I decided to try one. They are not waterproof for overnight, as we discovered, but they are going to work much better than the trainers!!! and we have something to alternate with. You will still have to have high-quality, expensive diapers at night, AND I'll have to get more Woolite and bleach for the cloth diapers/trainers. You don't want to be potty-trained right now. You get mad when I sit you on the toilet. But you're aware of what's going on, and cloth facilitates this learning process.

We're going for a walk now. Love you Bear, and let's hope your teeth feel better soon. I gave you some Tylenol but these are huge teeth, more than one at once, and you've been sucking your thumb a lot for comfort in your pain. I'm positive it's the teeth, because you don't drool anymore, unless you're teething.

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