Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Asphalt Plant Update I

Last night was the first night in a long time that we did not smell asphalt. If the plant was running, it was running low. I looked outside and there were no pillars of smoke. I think someone got our complaint.

After Ecology told me what the "opacity" standards were, I realized what I had been seeing at night was evidence of very serious violations. That plant was putting out extraordinary amount of smoke and emissions at night when they thought no one was looking.

This morning I smelled asphalt again but it wasn't as bad. I still felt nauseous when I smelled it, but nothing like before. Now that I can't smell it, I don't feel sick. Ecology told me that the state and DOT need more asphalt during working months, which he told me ended pretty soon. He tried to reassure me that the plant was planning to get their place to code after business season was over. How is that reassuring? What it tells me is that Ecology is accomodating a business and putting roads and money before people and their health, and even their own standards. It's putting public health and safety on hold for the convenience of the asphalt company. The state has let this plant slide for years. I'd like to know who is exchanging money with whom. Something I found interesting, is that no one supposedly knows who the owner is.

Ecology said they didn't know. They've inspected complaints but they don't know?! I went to the website for Granite Construction Inc and the owners aren't listed there either. There's just a Board of Directors. So who owns this company?

I put in my formal complaint to the EPA this morning and will post their response here.

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