Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Asphalt Plant Update III: Late-night Operations Unauthorized

I found out why someone is lying about not operating at night. I called DOT, who first answered some important questions about asphalt production.

I asked, "Is asphalt something that has to be used right after it's made?" He said yes, within a couple of hours. So, I gathered, when asphalt is being produced, there are trucks taking it to a site where work is being done. I asked, "So whatever project is being worked on, it would have to be for this area? A Wenatchee asphalt plant would make asphalt for local construction projects?" He said yes. I reasoned then, that the night production of asphalt has to have witnesses. Someone is producing the stuff, and then trucks are taking it somewhere. For what, I don't know. I asked him if he knew if permits were required to operate at night and he wasn't sure and directed me to county zoning.

This plant by me is part of Douglas County so I called county planning and a wonderful woman said she'd do some research and get back to me. She said if I gave her the name of the plant she could check on their zoning and any operating restrictions. She called me back and told me, according to their documents, Basin Asphalt was restricted to production between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. The public record for this is: SPD #02-02 "Notice of Action", refer to "condition #8". The plant is zoned for General Industrial.

That's why they lied about not operating at night. They're restricted from any operations past 9 p.m. What's interesting is that Jerod from Ecology told me they admitted to operations at night only once or twice in the last couple of months. Did they get permission for the times they acknowledge night operations? Of course, then there's all the other nights they were operating.

So where was all that asphalt going at night? If they're not permitted to make asphalt past 9 p.m., why were they? Were they trying to get ahead of competition across the river, which does have a permit to operate late at night? Did they cut a deal with someone to provide late-night asphalt at a cheaper rate and sneak it out? Or was another competitor short on asphalt for a project at night and asked Basin Asphalt for help meeting the demand? Who was doing what in the middle of the night?

Jerod is a great guy to talk to. The asphalt plants were so happy to refer me to him...and he was, am I wrong?!, defensive of them...I may be wrong, but I keep thinking he's getting some pretty nice presents for Christmas and birthdays.

Will he attempt to track asphalt production and company operations if a complaint is made? Will he interview workers who are there now and those who have quit in the past? How does he run his investigations?

My concern is that all this time this plant has been running at night, and I've witnessed first-hand the great pillars of smoke billowing out of the plant in the middle of the night. I also know they've not got a good track record for compliance and nothing has been done when they were not in compliance. They have continued to run their plant even after serious equipment malfunctions, and didn't alert neighbors to the health hazards. I'm not the only mother here with kids. There is a Hispanic family down the road from me with 2 children under the age of 6. There are also many elderly in this area, including long-time orchardist Jack File.

That's one way to get a "riverpath" through the orchards...Can't beat 'em out? losing lawsuits? Smoke 'em out!

I'm having a little fun there, a little dry humor. I would like to know what the deal is. Who profits or profited from evening operations? It's an interesting question.

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