Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bear: Development at 16 Months of Age

Hello Little Bear,

The last few days we've been getting a lot of things done and it has been a team effort. You've been very patient and helpful. You're getting two new molars and haven't wanted to eat as much. I can usually tempt you with: tomatoes, avocado, oranges, chicken, turkey, chocolate, and apples. You like regular apples better than applesauce. Oh! You also like raw eggs. The only way you'll eat your eggs is "Rocky style". Of course I am careful with selecting very high quality organic eggs and am careful with refrigeration. I think raw eggs are a great food. I used to have them in smoothies, as a kid. I tried making eggs a variety of ways, but you only want them raw.

I think you know your numbers because when I allow to press the buttons in the elevator, and ask you to please "press number ___", you go for the right one. You love pressing those buttons and how they light up. I'm thinking it's a really good way to help tots learn numbers. In elevators, where it's fun. But unfortunately, there are no high-rise buildings around here, so we only get to choose from buttons 1-5. It would be fun in the city, where you could learn and press numbers maybe from 1-20 at least.

We went to the fire station about a week ago and the firemen went on and on about how happy you were. And then the chief shone a penlight into your eyes and got within inches of your face to examine them. Anyway, you are happy! (naturally, I might add). You're a very happy, well-adjusted little boy with a TON of energy. If you "act up" it's normal...a response to needing to run around or learn something new. You are the first one, in meeting a new "friend", to give the other kid a hug.

You have a little magnetic drawing board with a stylus and hold it like with proper pen-hold, and draw, and you try to imitate drawing shapes. On this board, there are different shapes around the border and you point to them for me to name and you try to draw them. You have drawn some circles fairly well. Sort of wobbly, and sometimes more oblong-like, but with a round shape and complete.

For the last month, you've been able to figure out how to open the latches and locks of all the doors on your "Peek-a-Zoo" toy. It is a toy that is for 18+ months but I got it for you when you expressed an interest at 12 months. You reeally wanted this toy and it's been a good use of money.

Love you!

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