Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bear: Hugs

This morning I was so tired I brewed half a pot of hot water. I added half and half to my cup and poured it into my cup. It was water. So then I thought the coffee maker was broken, until I looked under the lid where the filters go and saw it had no coffee grounds.

Last night I stayed up later than usual with you. You weren't tired so we did some evening shopping and I let you look at toys. You wanted all the talking elmo dolls. Forget "Up-up Elmo". You wanted "Singing Pizza Elmo". I played the singing pizza song over and over for you and then you remained fascinated when it was with you in the cart. That pizza jingle is actually very tasteful and musical. Some of the music recordings for kids on toys are terrible--the people singing have bad voices or the sound is mechanical or robotic.

But then I put it back and wanted down to run around the store and when I wouldn't let you you were mad. You are a very fast runner now and if I set you down, you're at the other end of the store in one minute. Sometimes I let you run around, but last night we had to go home because we were tired. I can barely hold you when you throw a temper tantrum.

When we were at grandparents you wanted to wrestle and you would run at me, and take a leap into my arms, with your nose on my nose, and eyes looking at me. Then you'd laugh. You were coming up behind me and clambering up my back when I was sitting, until I tickled you.

I wonder if, when boys are men, they go for contact sports because they don't get enough hugs. Or, if, because they may not get as much physical affection when they're older, some sports serve as a way to get hands-on contact in an acceptable way.

You get a lot of hugs sweetie! And you give lots of hugs too. When we got home after being away all day, you went straight to your Kitty-Cat and gave her a big body hug, saying in a high voice, "Kiiikee!"

Love you,

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