Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bear: We Got A Kitty-Cat!

I found out there may be another reason for the disappearance of my blog but I'm not sure. It could be on my end. If not, I'll have to write to Google.

I've decided to continue with posting on this blog until I know for certain. The matter I spoke of yesterday has nothing to do with events in my town or community. It's something else I would address far down the road.

Anyway, Little Bear, we got a kitty! I don't know if we should name it yet because it's been sneezing and may have an upper respiratory infection, and we want to take a cat that is healthy from the beginning. Especially because you play with it. But then again, you picked this one out.

You kiss the kitty and talk to it, and today I'm going to teach you how to hold it. Yesterday you were picking the kitty up with a grip of it's skin on the back. Like that was the handle. I rescued the kitty, and found it was purring. I don't think you hurt it, and mother cats hold their young in this way, but usually around the neck. You cried when I took the kitty away and were mad at me. I told you last night that I would try to teach you how to hold it and pick it up properly so you could carry it around like Mama does. A good thing about this cat is temperment. It's not the type to scratch.

When we brought it home you were so happy. You put some of your toys next to the kitty, offering them to her.

The mouse problem is improved already. I don't hear the one in the bedroom anymore. The kitty found it the first night and batted at it and I think it batted back. This kitty has never seen the like and didn't know what to do. So far, this kitty is no killer. But she's so young. Mainly I want the cat to intimidate any mice and keep them out of the house, but I wouldn't mind some killing that I don't have to see for persistent mouseguests.

We have a week to make a decision; it's good to have a trial-time. The kitty is a real sweetheart. For some reason, its fur and hindlegs remind me of a rabbit. It's black and white striped with tannish-brown eyes and a tan nose. There were others that were prettier, like the calicos and the solid black kitty with the bright yellow eyes, but I put that aside and tried to select one based on personality. The woman who had the kitties said this one was one of the sweetest and playful and she said it's motor was always running. She was right--this kitty is always purring. Which must mean it's happy and content, which is important. She sleeps with us on the bed. I couldn't come up with a name. She was called "Dee-dee" and I don't like it and she looks like a "Melissa" or a "Missy" though I hate those names. I thought of "Zephyr", "Zeeb" or "Zeebs" for "Zebra", and I was trying to find a word that described the exact color of brown for eyes but can't think of anything. It's sort of cafe-au-lait.

A doggie with tough skin would be better for you perhaps, but we are looking at a kitty for two purposes: companionship for you and elimination of mice. Yes, we told the landlord. The kitty is completely potty-trained.

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