Monday, September 24, 2007

Bear: Why Sit When You Can Stand?

Hello Little Bear,

A couple of weeks ago you stood on your chair. Now I can't get you to sit down! You stand up in your highchair, on all the chairs in the house, and couch. Now, when you wake up in the morning, well, for the last 3 days, instead of sitting up, you stand up! I'll hear your "I'm awake! and where are Yoooouuuuu mama?" cry and go in and you're standing on the bed. I came over to the bed, and you jump into my arms with a smile. And then you're off to find and hug your Kitty-Cat.

You climb up everything using stomach muscles and your arms, and then you want to stand and not sit down. You are able to get into EVERYTHING now. NOTHING is safe. So now, I cannot even trust putting things up high out of reach. They have to be up very, very, high.

I let you stand on chairs sometimes, with my supervision. It's fun for you. Once, I watched you stand on your chair, and climb onto the table to reach a jar of "no-nos" that I had put out of the way. And then you once moved a chair over to the counter, closer to the cupboards so you could reach the counter and reach things.

I always watch you, but the other day I added to our first-aid kit, just to be safe. I added Ipecac and band-aids, ispropyl alchohol, sterile cotton, and needles. I had to take a wood sliver out of your hand a few weeks ago after you fell outside while running in bark chips at a playground. I don't really like bark chips. Why are these used in playgrounds so often?

You're eating an apple and playing with Kitty right now. You like to pick out your own windfalls from the orchard. You get a little smile when you pick one up and bite into it and it's sweet. All this good food just lying around outside for you to choose from! Sometimes you get one bite in and then I take the apple to wash it or rub it across my denim jeans and give it back to you.

Love you,
I'm going to write a new NFTN later today when you're napping.

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