Friday, September 7, 2007

Bear: Your Imagination

Hello Little Bear!

I was so tired yesterday but today I wish I had more time to write! Maybe when you're napping or asleep tonight.

I posted a few thing already, but as you're content watching Barney right now, I want to write about you.

Your imagination is developing. I've noticed this in the last couple of days. Yesterday you didn't want to run your trucks and cars on the grass or in the house. You took them out to the driveway, where you see real cars and trucks passing by. You wanted to drive your vehicles on a "real" road!

You have a few animal figures and make them "walk" and jump and hop. Sometimes you make their animal noise too.

Your overhand throwing is improved. Last night, before dusk, we went down to the river and you threw a bunch of rocks into the river. did the same thing with your food when I gave you dinner. For dinner you had what I tried to give you for lunch: organic eggs, organic kidney beans, organic corn, and some snow peas with red bell pepper and a light cheese sauce on the side.

We got a new book in the mail today, from the library. "The Night Eater" by Ana Juan. I have decided Ana Juan is my favorite children's artist. You like her art a lot too.

Okay, time to go. You're pulling on my legs.

Love, Mama

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