Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I haven't written in the last week because I've been forced to attend to several matters while having bizarre problems with insurance and some medical professionals and am having to fight for coverage of medical prescriptions I need on a daily basis. I am physically disabled without them, and the stress of having to scramble to find out what's going on and get coverage has not helped with my emotional state. It's distressing to know providers discriminate against a person simply because they are poor. More on that. Also, considering the fatigue and other problems I've had with health, surrounding asphalt fumes, I wonder if I've been suffering from poisoning (albeit low-grade) from the exposure. I wonder if, before the big industrial accident Sunday, there were things going on that led up to it, which affected those breathing the fumes. I've missed some important appointments with all this going on, mainly, well, entirely because of health and disability. So I'll have appeal on everything.

I just found a couple of leftover pills from my prescription so I'm comfortable enough to write, and feel I need to write about what is going on, before it gets worse. I'll have to do it later this afternoon when my son is napping.

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