Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bear: Moon, Horses, Indian, Happiness

Hello Little Bear,

Last night we watched the movie, "The Indian in the Cupboard". You intently watched the whole thing, except for a couple of parts that I briefly fastforwarded past. I found myself enjoying the movie as well, as the Indian is HOT--Ahem, where is the nearest reservation please?

We had a lot to do yesterday and things to sort through. Unfortunately, this meant I had to be on the phone quite a lot and while you didn't like it, you were so good and patient. Truly amazing honey, and other people are noticing your excellent personality and character as well.

You got some compliments at the mall a few days ago, by a wise old woman, who stopped me just to say how lovely you were, and how wonderful it was to see a child so happy.

Then, yesterday, we had to go to the police station to discuss something with officers, and you got compliments from one of the officers, about how remarkable your personality is. She too, said you were so happy, and easy-going, and charming. And patient. She gave you quite a compliment.

I'm happy others can see what I also see in you, as your biased mother. I hope your life will be strong and that you will be encouraged throughout your life, by at least one person, to "be", in an of itself, an excellent boy/man. I hope you will be stronger than I am, though I've been strong, and that you will be even more courageous. And yet, I hope you always know you can do this in your own way and don't have to imitate me unless that is your natural style. In some ways, I can already see we are alike. When I saw you going up and down that steep incline, over and over, until you had mastered it, I was reminded of how I, as a child, used to play and replay, and play again, a song, and sing it over and over, just one sentence at a time, until I had it down perfectly. I was a perfectionist in what I was passionate about, and I think you may be too, and that you also enjoy a good challenge. I hope I can keep up with you. I see how athletic you are and we jog together, but I can no longer run like I used to and I wish I could, so I could run with you when you're a little older. But that's alright, when I can't run beside you, I'll be cheering for you on the sidelines.

This movie, about the Indian, well, the Indian's name is "Little Bear!" So you found that interesting. A neighbor you used to see and like gave it to you, along with the movie "Brother Bear" and some others.

Something you've been doing lately...I pointed out the moon to you a month ago, and although I've done it in the past, you were very excited about it then and ever after. Every time you see the moon you get a big smile on your face and say, "Mmmm". Sometimes "Moon", but usually just the first part, "Mmmm". Maybe because it sounds like MMMnnnnnnn. When I kiss you kisses, I sometimes make the kiss noise, "Mmmm-AH!" with a smack. So you started saying, "Mmmm" for moon, and then I said to you, "Mmmm...." and I leaned in and gave you a big kiss..."Ah!" in a play on words and you cracked up laughing. So you did it again, and again, wanting me to do the same thing.

You seem very fascinated with the moon, tractors and vehicles, sculptures, your Kitty-Cat, and natural challenges. Oh, and books!

We went to the horse stables yesterday and you got to see all the horses, and some steers. You like your cat better. I miss the smell of horses and stables; it brings back memories. I remember when I was little, hearing my mother say she liked the smell of horse dung, and I thought she was out of her mind. But we were out at the stables and the smell was everywhere, and it does smell good! Probably because of all the alfalfa. I taught you how to stroke the nose of the horse, and pat the side, and to blow lightly into the horses nostrils to introduce yourself. Whenever you touched a horse, I was watching the ears of the horse to be sure they weren't back.

Love you,

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