Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Welcome, Internationals!

Many people view my site each day. The number of profile views is different from the visitor counter, and then even different from searches made from within my site. Most people are from within the United States, but also, from Mexico, Malta, Phillipines, UK, Australia, Singapore, Greece, and some eastern european countries as well. The Mexico visitors were new and interested in my post about the "Marijuana Mafia". All I have to say is, "Welcome! ... "Don't shoot the messenger!"

I'm glad this blog has international appeal. One of my favorite jobs was as a tutor and facilitator of conversation groups for ENNL students (English As a Non-Native Language) in college. I heard the most fascinating stories from people all over the world. Hopefully, something I have to say, about or from my life, will have special meaning to somebody, even if my "life-story" has hardly even begun.

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