Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Silver Lining

In every cloud there is a silver lining. Cliche. But this is what I thought tonight. Some of most bizarre things are happening and I'm finding out more every day. At the same time, I think someone knows...AND I've not kept my mouth shut about some things, and things are hitting fast and hard. I am, at least, very aware, as they say, "of my surroundings" and of the motivations. More on that, later. The best part, was that a whole lot of good is happening too. I have been able to locate some supporters and also, people who could offer protection and are giving an open and interested ear. I finally, finally, got to the right people. There is some potential, hope, and safety in that, and I of course, will guard this with my life, hand over heart. What a relief. Someone is looking out for me! Watching! Even if quiet for now. Thank you dear God. I have been praying for this for years.

It's dangerous to be alone. Isolated. Family first, but sometimes you need more than family even. I am wiser now, and keep my cards in close, but I've also learned the value of testing the waters by talking about things or asking questions which may or may not be suggestive of the direction I'm headed. I am safe to say, Yay! There are friends in high places. Just have to wait and wait and wait some more. Which is okay, now that I know the truth will come out and the more that attempts are made to cover, at this point, the worse it will be for the certain others who have done so much against me and strategized with others.

More than one good thing too! While today was strange and frusterating, I found, at the day's end, another silver lining and realized there are a few good things in place now. I never thought it would happen. By now, I figured it's all over and so complicated and pointless to hope anymore that someone would catch on. This is perfect timing, because the stress was wearing on me and my son.

When I began to understand some things, I realized knowledge put me back in the driver's seat. Simply knowing is powerful. Omniscient. How would it be like to be God?! To "know" like that?!!

I want my non-profit to specialize, in it's own way, in information.

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