Wednesday, January 16, 2008


As to health, my stress levels haven't changed in the last 2 weeks as compared to the last several months. My health is better, but nothing happened to "relieve" me of the health issues. If anything, I am more stressed out NOW, because I was unable to defend myself in the recent legal action by the hospital/Catholic church. I know what the motive was and what's been going on, and I was completely disabled, only to regain my strength when it's too late? No, that's not how I work.

In times of stress, I am calm until it's over, and THEN I fall apart. I do not fall apart in the middle of stress or trauma or problems. I'm always strong. It's only after everything is completely over that I fall apart.

With the Catholic church litigation in Oregon, they knew I was going to put something into the public file they didn't want the public to know about. I had already let them know I was going to do it. And, they had been waiting for me to "fall apart" in over 2 years of litigation with me and I was going strong. It was only by tearing me apart physically, by attacking my health, that they weakened me from being able to continue and write. That, in combination with setting me up for a couple of things I've discovered were genuine set ups.

Through all the other crap they pulled--car vandalisms (on a monthly basis), property thefts and damages, and mail disturbances, in addition to setting me up with men who were working for them and were only introduced to me to cause distress, I was strong. They had to go after my actual physical body because I held up, constitution-wise. THEY even tried to tell Judges that I had no damages because I was having no problem whatever in litigating against them.

I know myself and I can go forever, in the middle of extreme stress, without problem, until my health is gone and I am physically too weak and unable to lift a finger, and then I am disabled, and cannot write or defend myself, which then would lead me to stress, but that stress would not suddenly disappear after someone WINS something against me. Winning something against me that I can't defend against causes MORE stress for me because it's more snow, and I know it's just going to be harder to untangle the mess and convince others I've been harassed and targeted for years.

Additionally, I still don't know what the outcome of the hospital thing is, because I've not been able to read my mail and something that a server served me with a week ago, hasn't been found. He said he left it at my door and it's not there. I think someone stopped the torture crap, knowing it would take me at least 2 weeks to recover and then my strength would be back and I would only be able to write when it was too late, but be able to write so much and so well, without medical explanation, that people would think I had been fine all along.

I have the bloodwork to prove MY theory. And the bruises, and my memory is just fine, thank you.

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