Saturday, February 23, 2008

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

No, I don't think simply because one toy is also going off on it's own, it means something is "happening" at my aunt's house. But it does show, 1., I didn't imagine it, and 2., if I didn't imagine that, what else have I NOT imagined? and finally, 3, it does cause concern for me because if what was happening with me and my son is true and real, it is possible it could happen again. That is why I made a big deal out of it.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Often. I should not be punished for reacting to or retelling what is true.

Perhaps I don't have enough hard evidence to prove exactly what was going on. But no one has evidence to the contrary either, that what I say is false. If anything, there is more evidence to back what I say than not. It's only that the truth is stranger than fiction and difficult for others to believe.

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