Monday, March 17, 2008

Accepted For Marijuana Study!


I sent out some emails last night, asking about research projects and questionaires. I filled out one survey, for the sake of science, without being paid. It took about a half hour of my time. And I also inquired about a more in-depth study where I accept a university-based organization as my "clinic". And they've accepted ME! So, I'll be doing more to further research. I'm not getting paid for it. I hope that my admissions in the following correspondence will be tolerated (by govt., law enforcement, and others) for compassionate reasons. I have every intention of being on the up-and-up, but don't want to suffer until I get that permit either! So far, I've gone TWO months with no full-blown migraines! This is unheard of for me.

I guess God works in mysterious ways. I never would have made this discovery if I hadn't gone to Canada, number 1, and then tried marijuana after that, number 2. I lost something, but gained something else that will be beneficial for not just my future and my son's future, but possibly the future of others as well. I guess it's not a bad thing, afterall.

Below is my redacted correspondence:

Re: Interest in Research‏
Sent: Mon 3/17/08 2:44 PM
To: c

Ah! Thanks for explaining, C. I sometimes get emails from people who think we can provide medication!

You sound like the perfect participant for this research. As I said, we aren't asking specific questions about marijuana. This will avoid any possible legal complications. But if you follow the instructions for enrolling, below, your information will be recorded as a user of medical marijuana. The initial set of questionnaires will take about 30 minutes to complete, and you will be sent email reminders to return at 1,2,3,6,9, and 12 months to complete a subset of follow-up questionnaires.


1. Log in to the web site: http

Please write again if you have any questions or comments.

Hi ,

I have actually discovered marijuana for my migraines on my own. It was a fluke. I am 33 years old and I've tried tons of other remedies. The first time I tried marijuana, it was out of curiosity but not specifically for migraine--however, I found out, as a fluke, that it seemed to lessen and prevent my migraines which are very regular. I also tried it during a very mild attack (I think mild bc of the marijuana) and it aborted it, which is unheard of for me. I have only used marijuana 4 times and it's already shown effectiveness for me.

So I decided I want to do this legally and am going to get a permit, but I probably have access to a few times a month if I need it, to continue to experiment until I get my permit.

I think I'm the perfect candidate because I've no prior involvement with drugs for recreational reasons and my interest now is purely medical. I've also tried EVERYTHING else--triptans, biofeedback, aromatherapy, trigger point injections, Toradol, narcotics, OTC, antidepressants, you name it! and by far, this is
most promising.

I want to make a contribution for public interest and to speak up for other migraine sufferers. I
hope this is moved to Schedule II and that the govt. starts funding research.

Let me know if I can be a part of your project.



Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:25:07 -0700
Subject: Re: Interest in Research

Hello C - Thank you for writing! Ours is not a treatment study and we
do not provide any medication. Ours is an Internet-based survey study.
We do not ask about marijuana use, instead we ask people to indicate
that is their "clinic". In this way, we can compare the symptoms
and outcomes of medical marijuana patients with those whose clinic is an
acupuncture clinic or a chiropractic clinic.

I hope this information helps you decide if you are qualified to
participate. Please write again if you have additional questions.


Dear ,

I'm interested in whether or not you may need another volunteer and whether I would qualify.

I have had severe migraines for about 10 years, which last 3 days without treatment and have frequently landed me in the ER. I have a regular 2 per month, one before menstruation, and one afterwards. I have 2 neurology reports from different doctors which confirm this diagnosis.

I am about to see a doctor in the near future who will be able to legally prescribe marijuana for medical management and/or treatment of migraines. I am thinking perhaps I'll just need enough for a 1/4 of a joint or so, to take just prior to the expected onset of migraine (maybe the day before). I'm not sure, but I want to experiment a little to see if I can actually prevent them from recurring with episodic use of marijuana. I would rather not use any form on a daily basis, and don't believe it would be necessary.

At any rate, I have suffered so much, and want to find out if this really works and help others through my own trial. There have been times I thought it would be better to die, because the pain was so bad, and I've tried almost every other alternative. The best one so far is intravenous DHE, but it doesn't prevent them from recurring, to my knowledge.

Please let me know if I may enroll once I have a legal permit, or what your criteria is.

Thank you!


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