Wednesday, March 26, 2008

AG Caballero Objects To Profanity

Email correspondence between myself and AG Caballero, of today and yesterday:

Mr. Caballero,

Suddenly you take the moral high horse? Your vice of smoking cigars must be approved by your church, but not "profanity"? I have used profanity in the past, and it is not until I posted an email publicly on my blog that you suddenly "object". I would think what is more "disturbing" in the sight of God, and society, is the way you have treated my son and his mother. Expletives are almost nondescript words used at a time of strong emotion, where nothing else seems to fit. They are emphatic words, like puncuation marks. They are only words, which do not harm people. Actions, on the other hand, always speak louder than words. This is addressing your request, and if I may, as the mentally ill subject of your trial, you should perhaps be accomodating of my illness, which may even include Tourette's. How do you know? I think it quite improper for you to make certain demands of me while ignoring my right to notice about my son's medical appointments and right to discovery. It is disturbing to me, that you care more about an occasional and rare use of "profanity", but cannot conjure enough compassion for my son's need to see his mother more than 4 hours a week. You are not a child. You are an adult, living in a world filled with profanity, and I do believe you don't skip past the profanity when you record movies off of your TV. Grow up Mr. Caballero. If you want professionalism from your mentally ill subject here, act like a professional and perhaps I will not be so provoked. In my next email I will address your neglect of my son's medical needs and my rights as a mother. Thanks. Cameo

________________________________> Subject: RE: Request For State Mental Health Eval.> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:55:24 -0700> From: TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV> To:;> > >

Ms. Garrett, greetings. I would like to address several concerns in your email. Currently Oliver is in temporary state custody pending a determination of shelter care at the April 16, 2008 hearing. Therefore, the Department can authorize routine medical care for your child. Ms. Scanlon is acting consistent with her duties in setting up evaluations and treatment of your child. If you specifically object to Ms. Scanlon’s referrals for services as to Oliver, I would urge you to file a proper motion with the court to enjoin Ms. Scanlon from doing so. Ms. Scanlon considers her actions to be consistent with her professional duties.> > > > As to notice of evaluations, I have discussed with Ms. Scanlon the issue of notice and participation in Oliver’s medical appointments. Ms. Scanlon will provide you advanced notice of appointments and to the extent the appointment is not at the relative caretaker’s house, you would be encouraged to participate.> > > > As to the MRI, the Department does not have any medical opinion that Oliver should participate in an MRI. If you have medical opinion to the contrary, please provide to Ms. Scanlon. An MRI can be a distressing experience for a young child and one will not be undertaken without a request from a properly qualified medical provider.> > > > Finally, I have not yet seen a notice of appearance from an attorney. Can you update me on your efforts to obtain counsel? I will be objecting to further continuances of the shelter care because this case needs to go forward. I will also be asking the court to appoint you counsel at public expense because your refusal to accept indigent defense counsel and your inability to retain private counsel should not further delay this case. Certainly if you have a documented medical condition, the migraine cycle that you previously mentioned, I would not be opposed to a short continuance to accommodate your medical condition. If you are able to provide Ms. Scanlon with medical records substantiating the migraine cycle I would be willing to address the matter with the court prior to the 4-16-08 hearing.> > > > Please refrain from using profanity in further emails. They are disturbing and uncalled for.> > > > With Professional Courtesy,> > > > Tomas Caballero> > Assistant Attorney General> > > >

From: cam huegenot []> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 11:36 PM> To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA)> Cc: Caballero, Tomas (ATG)> Subject: RE: Request For State Mental Health Eval.> > > >

I found out just today that you have had my son see a speech therapist without consulting me first.> > Not ONCE was I informed about any appointments, or who you were recommending, and you did not even fill me in on the evaluations or results.> > I believe you are out of bounds. The state does not have custody and legal guardianship of my son until after they win a fact finding, if they do. In the meantime, my requests and wishes are to be considered.> > I am finding out that my son had an intake almost a month ago, without my consent or knowledge, and then was visited and "evaluated" by 2 therapists from Wenatchee. I have specifically NOT wanted my son to receive specialized care by anyone in Wenatchee. I think you know this and that this is why you chose to conceal this entire affair. Finally, you are setting up appointments for someone to go over and "work" with him about his "speech issues", which I was aware of A YEAR AGO and asked doctors for help about and was IGNORED. My son doesn't need to work with a "speech therapist". He needs a fucking MRI to find out why he went from talking easily and early to not speaking a lot. And I want him to learn sign language. I worked with him about communication and it was distressing to him because he knows he used to be able to talk and now he can't. He tries, and he can't do it. Something has happened and it is not a result of "neglect" or because I quit "communicating" with him. I communicated with my son and read to him every single day.> > I want to know why you have neglected to inform his mother about your intentions, medical appointments, and evaluations.> > It had better be good because I'm just about to make all of this public.> > Cameo> >> Subject: RE: Request For State Mental Health Eval.>> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:43:05 -0700>> From:>> To:>> CC: TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV

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