Thursday, March 20, 2008

Caballero's Cigar

Copy of my e-mail to CPS worker and AG Cabellero below (the cigar comment is referencing the fat cigar Tomas brought out after the hearing was over, which he put to his mouth when addressing me with a smirk before he left the courtroom. The courtroom is still within the courthouse. When he left the room, he was still indoors, had dropped the cigar pose, and was speaking with CPS workers until I was coming out of the courtroom and then the joking was hushed):

"Dear Marie,

Thank you so much for the ride to Waterville, courtesy Michelle. It was good to meet Michelle and Tomas for the first time. I wanted to thank you for giving better insight into the process there in Wenatchee. It was helpful. I just beg of you, not to read my blog any longer, as trying to read into things I write is fruitless and may be counterproductive in the end. It seems to me that your focus is not on my son, but on me. I could be wrong. Shall I bring the cigar next time? Wrapped or unwrapped?


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