Saturday, March 29, 2008


Personally, I think Hillary should drop out. She recently looked very good in her orange suit with the amber necklace; she has good ideas, and she has better "experience". Yet her experience is tainted and I'm not comfortable putting her and her husband in a position of power again.

I don't like what they did to Monica Lewinsky. For me, that said a lot. They dragged her through the mud, and had media tarnish her name, rather than own up to the fact that Bill Clinton was Monica's boss, and she was an intern, and what he did crossed the line. If it wasn't sexual harassment, it was exploitation. He also gave favors to Lewinsky after they were intimate. Not only did he do this with Lewinsky, he lied to the feds, to the public, and did the exact same thing to Paula Jones. Paula Jones was also dragged through the mud, called white trash, and a liar, and then it turns out the President of the United States is the liar. He disparaged the reputations of two women, and who knows who else, maybe Kathleen Wiley too, and who knows who else hasn't come forward.

Hillary stood by him, and worked to disparage these women. She wasn't a victim, she was a co-conspirator and I don't consider any woman, no matter how bright, strong, and full of potential, to be a "feminist" when they have taken other women by the hair and dragged them through town to put them in the stockholds, on behalf of their husband and own political career.

No thanks Tammy Wynette.

Obama has one thing people are picking up on, and so far, it appears to be a conscience and possibly an ability to be incorruptible. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and I hope Obama can be strong, but I think his character so far speaks volumes. It does bother me a little that he wasn't at his mother's bedside when she was dying, but that's a personal regret of his. In general, I think Obama is more of a feminist than Hillary.

As for Monica, this woman was 21 years old at the time. I know she's had a difficult time leading a normal life ever since the defamation and exposure. The media should be working to undo the damages that were done, and she should be given a chance at public success with a good employer instead of remaining on the blacklist forever. Monica lives in hiding, and can't do what she wants to do, yet Bill Clinton parades around with Hillary, and Hillary parades around publicly. Lewinsky doesn't even ask to be viewed as an employee who was exploited or part of sexual harassment, as I believe she was.

She simply asks for honesty and still has not received it, or an apology and righting of the wrongs done to her name. From wiki on Lewinsky, a quote from Monica:

"After Clinton's autobiography My Life appeared in 2004, Lewinsky said in an interview with the British tabloid Daily Mail:

He could have made it right with the book, but he hasn't. He is a revisionist of history. He has lied. (...) I really didn't expect him to go into detail about our relationship (...) But if he had and he'd done it honestly, I wouldn't have minded.... I did, though, at least expect him to correct the false statements he made when he was trying to protect the Presidency. Instead, he talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn't resist the dessert. (...) This was a mutual relationship, mutual on all levels, right from the way it started and all the way through. ... I don't accept that he had to completely desecrate my character.[10]"

Exactly. She was defamed and until her name is cleared or there is a public apology, there is no remorse in my opinion or acknowledged wrongdoing. Even Hillary could help herself by admitting this to the public. But she didn't and hasn't, and no way in hell am I voting for someone like that. A revisionist of history.

What else have the Clinton's done? I do not believe the American public should trust them and believe Hillary, at this point, should be spending her efforts working with Obama, not against him.

Update: Hmm. I was thinking about it. I was a little harsh in calling her a "co-conspirator", which is about as bad as her claim there was a vast right-wing conspiracy. What could she have done? And what would I expect her to do now? Ms. wow. I wrote Ms. instead of Mrs., without thinking. I think what would help me is knowing her husband is apologetic for what happened and realizes how it was not just private, he perjured himself in a court of law and slandered other women. I don't fault Mrs. Clinton for staying with him, as THAT part is none of my business and is her personal choice. However, when her husband has done such a thing to other women, and then is running for presidency, she should be able to distance herself from his actions. Not the person, the actions. For me, it would help if she directly addressed this topic, and affirmed something positive for women. Obama had to separate himself from his pastor. Clinton criticizes this, saying SHE could not, in good conscience, stay at such a church. And yet she stayed with such a MAN. She too is guilty of the same thing. I still think Spitzer's case is different. He did something technically illegal because of location, but he didn't do it in the White House or use an intern or even use his position. His situation was far more "private nature" than Clinton's.

If Hillary could somehow separate herself from the situation or from the appearance of condoning this or giving Bill a pass, that would help me to reconsider her.

The sniper thing is a dramatization. I don't think it was that big of deal as there was sniper firing somewhere in the location. It's not a statement that may be a little off in recollection that bothers me, it's the silence about this other matter, and it is important now and people have questions.

Update II:
I feel strongly about what the Clinton's did to Lewinsky, in part, because of my own personal experiences. So my eyes are opened on one hand, and on the other hand, if I were a judge,I would have to recuse myself, possibly, from a case involving similiar situations because while I think I could be fair in hearing both sides, when it came to sentencing, if I believed the party that had been victimized, there would be NO mercy. Still, because I think the dishonesty and lack of apology or attempt to correct the record on behalf of women, and how Mrs. Clinton had something to do with persuasion of her husband in how to best handle the matter, if it came down to Clinton or McCain, I would probably go with McCain. No, I don't want the freakin' war to continue, and yes, we need Democrats in the house at this point and no more favors for the richest of the rich through Republican policies, but I really, really, cannot stand the lack of accountability re. the Clinton-lewinsky-jones-sexual harassment and exploitation and trashing of women affair.

A positive note for Clinton, she's looking better. The necklaces are a good touch. Definitely keep the necklaces because it's feminine and pretty (softer) but still professional. She was looking really tired a week ago, after the sniper swipes.

I said Hillary should drop out because I don't care for her and she's a distraction. However, technically, she should stay in as long as she wants because that's more democratic. She's close enough in counts to stay in anyway. I personally think she should drop out and help Obama firm up his ground. Obama DOES need to be strong enough to stand on his own--can he take a crash course and retain the information and win? He needs this, and he needs to be able to stand up to pressure. I've read other criticisms about this so I guess I'm not alone in what I see at cursory glance. I heard someone say recently: "Why do we have to have ONE president? I think we should take all three and make them work together."

Heard her daughter speaking and I don't think her daughter does much for her, personally. Chelsea's comments about ending the 7 year reign of Gen. Powell or whatever were very sarcastic. Some women might like it, or serious Bush haters. Chelsea comes across as well adjusted and I would be proud of her, but then again she's sort of a dark cloud. She mumbles a little (I thought she got the braces off!?!)and kind of drags her feet and gets this snotty and sarcastic tone. Sort of a "I'm too cool for you but laid back enough to know it." I don't know. I think she's more like her Dad, but without the charisma or something. At least she's out there, that's good.


  1. Please leave Ms. Wynette's name out of this. Thank you.

  2. Yeah, really. Thought about it today. Thanks for your comment.
