Thursday, March 27, 2008

Continuing with True Life Story--FBI and Catholic Church

I have put off continuing with my "true life story" too long. I need to finish filling in the details, because what has happened to me is very important, and involves many individuals in positions of public trust and power, which is why, I believe, I am where I am today and why my son is taken from me.

I left off with the hostage situation.

I am compelled to write, out of anger, because there was a time I wanted to be in the FBI. I was going to apply through the lawyer referral program. I told many people about my interest, and goal, and I believe there were some who didn't want me there. That's not the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but I did meet FBI employees after expressing this wish, who then assaulted me and slandered me to their organization.

I'm angry tonight because after this, I was falsely accused of testing positive for marijuana use at Wenatchee's hospital. The FBI employees who assaulted me were also very interested in whether I used marijuana or not, while they were in my apartment, after a "date" or who knows what it was. After everything, I lost my desire to be a part of law enforcement of any kind, even though I was more interested in "fighting corporate crime" (including churches, for sex abuse of children) and investigation. I was looking up other work for a friend, who is interested in being a forest ranger. While looking up jobs for him, I came across info about being a Border Patrol person and what will exclude someone from employment. Which led me to wonder what excludes someone from employment with the FBI and if the whole "drug use" and marijuana thing was a way to try to put dirt on me to keep me out of the agency, in more than one way. It is. And, while the only time I've ever used has been recent, short-term, and for medical purposes only, it would effectively bar me from even consideration for 3 years. By that time, I would be too old to even try to apply for work with the FBI. That is, if normal and decent people in the FBI realized a fringe group of their employees has been involved in harming me, and defaming me, I believe, on behalf of their church's interests.

At any rate, I am allegedly mentally ill AND now a drug user. But no one knows what has happened to me. My reactions to what has happened, are not signs of mental illness. They were normal reactions to severe distress and constant harassment. Which I need to get to.

I don't know. If the FBI doesn't want me after I detail everything that has happened in the last almost decade, maybe the CIA will. If not, I think I am destined to become a writer and an activist, and will need to get an AP card. I care about the truth, period, and I've suffered for wanting to know what it was, and being so bold as to dare to tell, or try to tell.

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