Sunday, March 9, 2008

ENTP Women

I wasn't going to make a post about this, and then I started earlier, and then I deleted it because, as the saying goes, "Know your enemy" and perhaps I don't want my "enemies" to know me more than they think they already do.

However, for those who have had a genuine concern or interest in me and my life, or why I am the way I am, at least fundamentally, I think my type profile with Meyers-Briggs helps to explain a lot. And because it is a rarer type (3.2% of the population) and women of this type are rarer still, I want to include some links that may facilitate understanding FOR and ABOUT strong women who are atypical from the outset. There are strong women of every type, actually, so perhaps I'm just addressing the atypical aspect, and the fact that trying to swim upstream also is what requires us, sometimes, to be strong.

I feel like I'm addressing an AA meeting. My name is Cameo Garrett and I'm an ENTP.

I am slightly E,T, and P, and very strongly N. Those unfamiliar with this may find an explanation on wikipedia under Meyers-Briggs or Jungian personality theory.

Links that explain special challenges to WOMEN WHO ARE ENTP below: (I love this discussion about ENTP women!) (in good fun about the personality types) (a quick blip on ENTP women)

Links on the ENTP personality type in general (men and women): (this one is so funny and sarcastic I was laughing out loud, trying not to wake up my housemate)

(I have to find out what happened to my toolbar with the options for uploading photos and links because it's gone!)


  1. Hey! I took the Jung test and I'm an INFJ "Counselor". I'm also a rare bird like you! That's why we naturally get along!

    Gandhi and Carl Jung himself are also of the same type. I'm making my fiance' take the test too. He actually got to meet Jung's nephew and go to his house. He's writing a book, referencing one of the rooms in Jung's house.

    I could have told you that you were a rare bird before you took the test.

    I'm still praying for you!


  2. i promise you i'm writing you at your address soon kelly.

    he did NOT see jung's nephew and jung's room...?!!! i'm going to have to write you privately and you can tell me more about your fiance' and of course his type! that will be interesting.

    rare bird. i know. and YOU know! but you understood me know, i was pretty lucky to meet you so long's sort of strange the 2 of us met and found some kindred connection, esp. being so "rare" and wild. i dunno why i wrote wild, but i mean it in a positive, wild-flower way.

    glad to have the prayers and i'll pray for you and yours today/tonight too.

    i promise i'll write soon. when i read your mail, i'm already stuck on this site and get focused--not much of a multitasker when it comes to this. guess what kind of music i'm listening to now?

    salsa y merengue. 943 MC. i don't really care for ranchero except alicia villareal, but this is a little different. this song is by son de call, "llorando", cambiando la historia. i kind of like this...can't find any bossa nova though and i like it a lot too and the brazilian fare

  3. Cameo,
    Have you ever listened to Gotan Project? I use them a lot in my DJ ventures. You would like them a lot. Their latest album is lunatico. Very good!
    We were both lucky to have each other during those strange times in New Jersey as nannies. It seems so long ago now. It was an experience I can thank you for. I still have very good friends there that I'm actually going to visit this summer when my fiance' and I go to New York to meeet his twin brother there. I miss the East coast a lot.
    I also wanted to tell you that all charges were dropped against me in that car accident! What a relief. Now all my energy is focused on you and your son. I'm rooting for you.


  4. I haven't heard of the Gotan project--will have to check them out!

    I know, those were crazy days. I know you got out of the house more then than I did, or was able to...It wasn't until fam. 2 that I could leave the house and then it was just with the Biker Nanny to go dancing. I should have seen MORE of NYC! Would love to visit again.

    I'm so glad that suit was dismissed. It sounded strange. Less stress for you now. I was just about to put your email address into my other account and then I read this so I'm responding now but I'll write more to your account tonight. Trying to nail things down with a lawyer today.

  5. Thanks for sharing! I'm a fellow ENTP woman. I really appreciate the links. Gonna go research myself now...

  6. I'm also an ENTP woman and often feel like I've come from another planet! I've always had this sense of relating to men better than women - a male mind in a female body is how I've heard us described - and that kinda fits for me. thanks for all the links - I'm going to investigate now!

  7. I too am an ENTP. You listed the best links. I hadn't found them until now. I'm so glad to read another female ENTP's site. It helps. I've spent a lifetime trying to understand myself in the mirror of "normal" women. Thank you.

  8. Hi Virginia,

    Thank you.

    You have reminded me that I should try to connect with other ENTPs, not bc I want to be around people like me all the time, but maybe because I so rarely meet women, in particular, like me, I feel odd man out. Not so much in a big city where small eccentricities or differences are tolerated, or even incongruities, but I should try to meet a few like me through a group online maybe. Maybe find out about my former best friends too, and what personality types they were, to know why we hit it off so well.

    I used to be more of an INFP but I think I developed my extroversion and my thinking side. I can still go inbetween these two but my N and P are always constant, no matter what.

    Are you from Virginia?


  9. Well, I am also a entp woman and my sister is intj woman. So, cold, wicked smart and totally out of society women are common in my family.

  10. Thanks for the links also. I'm an ENTP woman:-): ENTP women Wrote some stuff about myself above that might be of interest.
