Monday, March 31, 2008

Kelly's Message

From my INFJ friend I've known since I was 16, Kelly! I asked her if I could include her email here, because it's such a well-written message of hope. Especially with my knowing where she's come from.

Sun 3/30/08 1:59 PM
To: (me!) omitted addresses...everything that says (OMITTED) was done by me, with agreement with kelly.

Hey Cameo,

How is your head? I have not been able to log on to your blog for awhile as work has been so busy. My director who is unfortunately also my brother in law (OMITTED's husband) just got fired and we have been having to catch up under stressful conditions. It has been a little weird around here both with my co-workers and with (OMITTED). He is such a sweet little french man, and I could not have asked for a better person for (OMITTED) and her son but he was also a bit lazy at work, hence getting the ax.

(OMITTED) is living down here in Eugene now, since they got married in September. She is so happy and... pregnant. They actually got pregnant a few weeks before the wedding and found out on their honeymoon. He's is as quirky as she is, a perfect match. I would have never had guessed. He will only live till he's 50 though as he eats nothing but butter, mayonnaise, and other fatty foods. He does not "believe" in healthy eating. Poor (OMITTED). It's nice to have family in town but sometimes it's also a burdened with responsibility. I have become quite used to my own space.


I am doing well. I love (OMITTED) and I'm very happy to have met my match in many ways. He has taste, charm, ambition, wit, vast intelligence, and above all he is super creative. My only complaint (because there should always be a complaint) is that he does not enjoy the outdoors as I do, he drinks like all good Irish Catholics should drink, and he does not know how to read me when I need my space. He is getting better about giving me my space when I demand it outright, appreciates the beauty of the outdoors, and has restricted his drinking to a level that I am ok (not completely satisfied) with. I look at him at times and wonder WTF he is doing with me. He is so talented and wonderful. His lectures are articulate and soul satisfying. I'm sure half his female students are in love with him. He teaches a very large Architecture class in the fall that I sit in on at times and he also teaches the ARCH studios for the later and graduate students. On top of that he designs the most beautiful homes you have ever seen. I have never been so moved in a new home as I have been in his. You know I have always loved the old classic houses. His homes are built like these.

We live in a very small house in town. We are turning it into a chapel of beauty. I miss living out in the country as I did before I moved in with him. He said that when we win the lottery though, he'll build us a house out of town. : ) I have two horses that I keep out at a winery that he designed. I get time out there every day even if it's only for a few minutes to feed them. Their names are Pearl and Brie. Pearl is a Palamino mare about 18 years old. She is a kindred spirit. Brie is a goofy young boy that I got at the auction for 100 dollars. No one wanted him because he was skinny and dirty. He is now 3 yrs old. He is all white with blue eyes and very handsome. I have already had 2 offers on him but I will never sell either of them. They are mine until death us do part.

I am very happy Cameo. I have gone through a lot of shit and have carried a lot of guilt, pain and the likes from the loss of my marriage. I had a really wonderful therapist help me through all of this. He saved my relationship with (OMITTED) as I almost left him 2 times due to my own stupidity. Louis (my therapist) and his wife have taught me to forgive myself and others of our own humanity. It has made a huge difference in my life as far as how I relate to myself and others.

Another thing that I mentioned in the past is Tango. Dancing Tango has been one of the most therapuetic things for me. I finally felt and really knew of my entire beauty when I learned tango. I carry myself differently, think of my body differently, and think of my talents differently. I now am one of the main DJ's in Eugene for Tango music and also have a small local radio spot each week, bringing the tango music (traditional and alternative) to the masses.

I feel as though I'm finally the Kelly that God meant for me to be. I still have many daily hiccups of issues that might never leave me, but I am now equipped with strength to know what and who I really am and to know that I should embrace my life and be at peace with it.

I hope all of this for you too Cameo. I know that you know yourself but I don't see the peace there yet. That is what I pray for you daily. Peace with life, with yourself, and with others.

Keep me posted about everything that is going on up there. Or, I will just simply log onto your blog and keep myself posted. : )

I'm so glad we are in touch again.

I have a flickr site up that would show you all my life, including my horses and my (OMITTED).

http://www (OMITTED)

My friend (OMITTED) is a photographer (was) so used me a lot, hence the narcissistic photos...

Love ya!


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