Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Morning After

I'm still going to continue with my true life story thing, but had to take a break, so I started writing about other things. It's stressful to recall such major events and actually, what will be coming up next is much worse and more stressful for me to think about. So, I've been writing about other things. I really, really, wanted to write about this particular scene/event where the "sort of ex" is pressuring me and I refuse and say I'm SO HUNGRY and take out an apple and chomp chomp crunch right next to him. In fact, when I was eating the apple, I was trying not to giggle out loud a few times but I think maybe he heard me. The next morning, there was no clothing strewn across the floor...just a gnawed on apple core. HAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can't wait to write about that whole scene, and the dialogue we were having.

I need comedic breaks from myself too.

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