Monday, March 17, 2008

My Confession: Part I-- Marijuana for Migraine

I need to make a confession.

It is not in the best interest of my son, but it is in the best interest of the public to know. I am only making this confession as a positive step towards public interest work in the future. It does nothing to further my primary goal of getting my son back, and I know I could be silent and take a different course, however, in the past, even when I've been honest, I've been accused of being dishonest, and doing all kinds of things I've not done. ((To understand what I mean, and for clarification, please see my post: "Response to Critics (including my mother). I DO feel this disclosure benefits my son, but perhaps not immediately, or maybe it does, showing others I'm open and honest. For one thing, it shows his mother to be a woman who sincerely cares about the welfare of others besides herself AND it also proves that if I'm willing to admit to this now, why would I lie about not having past experience with drugs, when I was falsely accused?)).

At this juncture, what I have discovered, is, I believe, important enough to merit immediate disclosure, and I hope that my son will be proud of me and that I am able to set an example of sometimes making personal sacrifices for the greater good. I hope too that it eventually results in my son's and my best interest, and I do know that this discovery enables me to be a better mother.

I've made sacrifices before, when I spoke up about what happened to me at a monastery, and I did it because I thought it would help other women, even though it brought my entire life down and resulted in harassment, police profiling, and defamation. I didn't do it for myself. I stood up for myself on behalf of other women, and I'm going to stand up for other migraine sufferers now, at great risk to losing time with the person I love most, my son. I don't believe I have presented the risk, and in fact, have found something of great benefit to being a mother. However, I know that some may try to twist something good and attempt to create a problem.

I feel what I have discovered is too important to keep to myself, and that it would be wrong to withhold this information.

I am confessing to trying marijuana, and as a fluke, finding out it has prevented and aborted my migraines, from which I've had no respite for over 10 years.

I am going to write about the specific times I used it, and approximately how much, side effects, and results. I am also going to list all of the other remedies I've tried, and make a list of how severe my migraines are, their pattern, and how they have affected my life.

Someone told me I could get a legal permit to experiment further, legally, and then someone else said it wasn't legal in Washington state. Last night I looked it up and found it IS legal. I broke down and couldn't stop crying, at the prospect of my entire life pattern changing, and I cried because of what I've lost in these 10 years and how God only knows how much suffering I endured. I also cried because I want everyone who has migraines to know there may not be a permanent "cure", but there IS hope, and a preventative and abortive treatment that REALLY works and for me, I only had to try it 3 times in the last month or more to get results. I didn't use it everyday. I only used it 3-4 times, and it works.

It's cheaper than Migranol (ergotamine), more gentle, and for me it has acted as a preventative and very effective acute treatment as well, with no return of symptoms. After what I've been through, it is tragic that I've only discovered it now. I was accused of using marijuana before, and had a test come back positive once when I've never used it in the past or even been around it. If I had, I would have used it to control my migraines.

It's been 2 months and I haven't needed to go to ER once. This is because my migraines are in remission.

This is just my confession and in the next post I'm writing my testimony with details. I hope that I can help to make others aware of this treatment, and that somehow I may be a part of convincing the federal government to enact a new law to allow for legitimate research which, I believe, will prove what I and others have found to be true, and will confirm historical data from end 19th century physicians and medical associations to be accurate. I also don't want to be arrested by the federal government for taking advantage of my state medical marijuana laws, and I believe all migraine sufferers, in EVERY STATE in the U.S. should not feel afraid to try this and see if it works for them the way it has for me.

Not only has my disability with migraines affected my life, it has cost my employers, and has cost the state when they had to pay for the ER visits.

Those who are skeptics should hear my testimony and the details before they judge me. And, I might add, I am only one of many, many, migraine sufferers who has testified this really does work, especially for my type of migraine.

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