Monday, March 17, 2008

Response to Critics (Including My Mother) About Marijuana

My response to my conservative mother's horror that I "admit" writing about the marijuana discovery may not be in my son's best interest, which she claims shows I do not put him first but put myself first. I think she and probably some others, will miscontrue what I was trying to say and why I wrote about it anyway, and this is how I responded to her (cut and pasted):

As for not being in Oliver's best interest, and your claim this shows I'm not putting Oliver first--do you realize that my use of marijuana WAS in his best interest because if I hadn't tried it, I would be stuck with no migraine prevention for the rest of my life?! And that affects Oliver. I care enough about the other mothers out there, who struggle with migraines while caring for children and having jobs, to share what I know, in spite of the fact that some people may try to use it against me. Those kinds of people are not the type that I, or this world, should be afraid of. They are destructive and short-sighted, and I'm not going to be bullied around with what short-sighted people try to do to me. It's people like this who try to prevent groundbreaking research and cures, who can't accept the earth is not the center and locus, who are determined to believe it is flat and not round. Hiding my discovery would be self-serving, and I believe it is in my son's best interest to have a role model of courage, who puts enough faith in herself and God to know that the truth, especially when it is such light, should not be concealed.

This was the end of my email to my mother. At least the end of this bit. It is true, though, that I do not believe I would have ever discovered medical marijuana had it not been presented to me to try at the time it was. For one thing, I have never heard of marijuana as a preventative or treatment for migraine and I've done tons of research over the years, and never found this to be at the top of the google list. Secondly, because I had such a negative perception and connotation of the plant, I wouldn't have tried it simply because I wouldn't want to apply for a permit and have people think I was using it as an excuse just to support a habit I had claimed I've never had (and truly never had tried).

I believe it was the grace of God that led me to try it. Even if I didn't know exactly where it was leading and what I was doing, God used it for good, and I did not feel guilty trying it. I was at least aware of medicinal uses so thought there may be something to it. If it was in front of me, at that moment, I was willing to try it. Would I have gone to the trouble of getting a permit FIRST? No. I didn't even know it was used for migraines for one thing.

Does this mean I will try other "drugs". No. I don't know of medicinal uses for other drugs and I've never been someone to alter my state of mind with drugs. I absolutely do not believe in clouding my mind, which is why I wouldn't even take marijuana everyday. But in the small amounts I used, it is worth the benefits.

I hope to change even conservatives minds about this, and especially to give those who have migraines or know others who have them, a first-hand testimony as to the efficacy of the drug. And if they hear about it through me, of course, get your medical permit first! In my case though, I wouldn't have even thought of getting one. That came after trying it and finding out, by fluke or miracle, that it is helping me.

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