Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Setting Up Account for Legal Fund

I'm on the phone with banks, finding out how to set up an account. So far, I'm told there's two ways of doing this: a benevolent account, or a non-profit set-up.

In a benevolent account, people can send money to the account and the recipient cannot withdraw until time needed, and must go through another person. They can obtain receipts for records and to send thank you notes, but the account must be controlled by someone who is a non-family member. I don't really know who I would assign for such an account. I'm not sure how this offers more security to contributors because anyone could act as a "puppet" or "frontman". I wouldn't do this, but I'm finding out about accounts and it's interesting. I guess someone could set this up and keep a log and receipts of then how the money is used, so this could prove it is being used for legal things. And I could send maybe a newsletter to those who make donations, showing them how their money is being used? Since it's legal though, don't know that too much detail would be good, but maybe the generalities, and after legal process is over, could do a full disclosure of funds appropriation. This seems easier than forming a non-profit right now.

The other kind of account is through forming a non-profit first. I've wanted to form a non-profit before, but it's been a few years since I read up on it. I don't know if I can do a non-profit for this kind of legal matter, unless I'm also advocating for others in a similiar situation? Not sure yet. Will probably know more by the end of the morning.

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