Thursday, April 3, 2008

1998 Additions to My Survival Story

I spent a lot of time writing on the last "True Life Story" post (#20), and adding to it. So I won't have as many new things to write.

It's super long so maybe I'll break it up, and towards the end I start writing in a political manner, I guess, but it's dedicated to victims of clergy abuse and exploitation. I guess others can relate too, who have been exposed to other forms of abuse. There's more.

I keep hearing people say my life should be a movie. I think it would be way too long for a movie. I would be happy to eventually work with an editor to add more (I've left SOME things out!) and organize and publish my story. I think my life story is one of survival, and I've not even managed to get into the most difficult times and trials of my life yet.

I went to the library a few times, looking for books about or by people who had been survivors of multiple traumas. I had been through such a variety of incredible experiences, and wondered what other such survivors had to say about making it through, and how they held up, and what helped.

I found ONE such book. I don't even remember what it was called. But if I publish my story, which I would like to do, and back up with documentation if my claims sound too incredible, I hope it will reach a variety of people, but especially those for whom the suffering seems to never let up.

I haven't lost hope and I am still strong and have my wits about me. What I've claimed happened before Canada, also really did happen. I was not going nuts. I and my son were extremely ill and in pain and were targeted for some time and we suffered together. No one believed me. Maybe because they thought no one would have motive. By the time I'm finished writing, the potential for motive will be clear.

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