Sunday, April 27, 2008


I thought I'd write this post and get it out of the way.

Yes and no. I am anti-Catholic church, but not anti-Catholic church member in general. And I have only been anti-Catholic church since maybe 1 or 2 years after meeting with the Abbot of the monastery, trying to get assistance from multiple members of the Catholic faith, and then finding myself defamed to no end by, at least for years at first, only Catholics.

After awhile, you start to realize there is a pattern. It took me a long time to finally say, okay, I just have to avoid this group in general, because I don't know when I'm running into a nice person who has nothing against me and just-so-happens to be Catholic too, and when I'm running into someone that knows the Abbey lawyers, or other members of the church who have been on a mission to ruin me. So, after so many facts and events, it finally made sense to protect myself and avoid the group in general.

It's interesting to me that the Catholic church has their own elaborate "anti-defamation" organization, but does NOTHING about it's clergy who defame others, to protect their church. I find this to be hypocritical.

I wish I could be like Hitchens, and argue I'm not just against the RCC, but against all religion in general, but I'm not so equal-opportunity, because the only group which has deliberately gone out of their way to cause me harm, has been associated with the RCC. So my "prejudice" is based on real and situational personal experience.

I'm not automatically against anyone because they are RCC, but I've already learned the hard way that I have to be careful and that usually, even if I am trying to be objective, someone gets to the RCC member and tries to twist the facts about me, or shows them the WW article, and I get screwed, no matter what.

Which is a big reason I'm finally motivated to write the facts of what has actually happened, so I'm not written off as "mentally ill" or "a hateful bigot", because I am neither.

UPDATE: I should add, even with my opinions of the RCC now, I would not ever lie about what happened to me for some kind of political agenda. I don't belong to any particular church, or go to church any longer, and have no affiliation. I have also never lied or exaggerated what happened. If I'd wanted to lie, I could have claimed all kinds of sexual abuse or contact occured, and it didn't. I've told the truth faithfully, and accurately, even when others have lied about me. Being able to hold onto my integrity, knowing God sees all, is the main thing that has saved me from falling apart. I am most proud of myself for not stooping to the same levels others have stooped to, to slam me and cover for themselves, when they know I did nothing wrong.

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