Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bush News Conference

I'll go back to my last post and finish it, but I'm watching the Bush news conference about oil right now at the same time.

I am not being sarcastic when I say I like his green tie. Which makes me think, "why do you always notice hair and colors...what are you anyway? a make-up artist wannabe? a fashionista?" and then I start justifying, as Bush is talking about Hamas, "No, this is not a sign to go into clothing retail. This means you should get out and see art more often."

Michael just asked a question about the war on "tire". I say, yeah! get those cars off the road!

Seriously, the juxposition of color in the Bush frame is sort of nice. Black, white, silver and grey with a peach-tan and this vivid martini olive green, and very pale cream background...

Now he's telling April she's lookin' good in yellow. He's noticing color on her while I'm typing about color on him. I do have to say, his speech or answer preceding April's question was pretty good. It was a good answer. I liked the metaphors about walls and liberty.

(this is my first attempt at a political play-by-play analysis)

Okay, now we're on change and Mugabee...

Wow. That was almost a head snap when he said "recognize!". And then he ends, just like that, which was a nice way to end. And when he turned his head to say this, we could see his profile and the shape of his nose, and the image of a hawk came to mind.

Well, I think someone needs to do something about the care of soldiers coming back from Iraq. These guys get about 2 weeks integration back into civilization, and have all kinds of PTSD. This isn't the 50s anymore either, where wives, husbands, and families are still waiting at the same spot when they come home and affairs or divorce are more of a shame. I've heard from soldiers there are tons of affairs on the battlefield, and then of course, at home and family problems to return to. I think they need excellent medical and mental coverage and all of them should probably be screened, at length, for these things when they return from the field.

UPDATE: I was watching the news conference on the channel that hosts Good Morning America. I thought I should add this because I realized not every cameraman gets the same angle, and I was speaking about the angle of seeing Bush's profile, which may have only been apparent on certain stations.

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