Tuesday, April 1, 2008

CPS To Dismiss Case & My Son's Medical Malpractice

One of my main concerns about commissioner Jill Wise was that in the last hearing, she defended my former private practice attorney, against something that I already know is not defensible and is contrary to the ethics rules.

My attorney contacted a public defender in Wenatchee, without first talking to me about it, knowing I was absolutely opposed to it. He also did this, or told me about it, on the last day I was in town before hearing in Wenatchee. Not only that, he faxed a letter to the Wenatchee AG before having me review it first. The reason he says he suggested PD was because of fall-out of financial support from my family.

It wasn't proper, and Jill should know. It also concerns me that the CPS director, Russ Haogen, called me long distance, after CPS hours, at my house, to talk to me about their possibility of dismissing their case against me. He asked me, if they dismissed the whole thing and took it off of the court docket, voluntarily, what would I do? and would I agree to work with them anyway.

Nobody from CPS calls about dismissing a case unless they know they jumped the gun and did a bad deed and are thinking of fixing it. They did this when Judge Hotchkiss was on the case. After this, they told me they had changed their minds and were not going to dismiss it voluntarily.

I talked to Russ Haogen for almost 3 hours that night, when he was proposing they would voluntarily dismiss the case.

Instead, they dug their heels in, and continued to jerk me around.

I have some things to write about which happened just today, and CPS's response to it, but I'll have to write about it later. Suffice it to say, I had to kick a CPS worker out of my own visitation time with my son because she interrupted my visit to hand me another dirty letter about how CPS was not meeting their obligations for certain things because it was MY fault. Then she just stood there and smirked when I asked her to leave. I had to demand, "This is my visitation time with my son, get out of this room NOW" in a calm but firm tone. More on that at a later time.

My problems with monks and their lawyers were one thing. My main problem with Wenatchee is that people here assume a throne by "who has lived here the longest" standards. Most of the people in this office are not very bright. I'm not saying they didn't plod through college and lay low enough, or suck up enough, to get a degree, but these are not Ivy League grads, or even Dean's List material. These people are like daycare workers who somehow got jobs with a passing degree from Pullman. Then they run to "daddy" or "mommy" at the AG office in Wenatchee which is every bit as corrupt as the other Wenatchee state offices. The AGs just push people around who are on welfare, knowing it is only unequal resources that helps them win almost every case, which, incidentally, in Wenatchee, is ALWAYS a case against an "indigent" parent. When is the last time Wenatchee CPS took a child away from even middle-class parents? They don't. They discriminate left and right and play their favors. I swear half of the single women at CPS are screwing Wenatchee doctors and lawyers. I'm sorry, but I've heard indigent mothers speak with more common sense and intelligence, than the state bimbos I have to deal with.

They didn't take my son because he was neglected. They took him to get back at me for "not being very nice." These people are threatened by competence. And they try to make up for their own lack of guts and intelligence, by bullying people around in an abuse of power. Those in power are so sadly lacking in quality genetic material, in this town. I do not recommend that any of these inbreds breed further. Their claim to "culture" and travel is going to Seattle for a shopping spree.

So what will the court recommend, for a special plan of "services" to please CPS, DSHS, and others I've offended in this town? A professional course on ass-wiping? These people need to get a grip, pull themselves up by their droopy underwear, and move on with their lives and accept the fact that I and my son were damaged in childbirth and there will be a lawsuit. They just want to win a fact-finding to put my son in the custody of the STATE so the state can refuse my son the diagnostics he needs, and choose his medical providers.

That's what they're doing right now, and they haven't even won a Contested Shelter Care hearing, which is the first step. If they get custody or dependency goes to the state, the Wenatchee doctors will ensure my son never gets the diagnostics and treatment he needs. They will bury this in their own rewriting of his charts. Again, I had to go to Seattle to even get an X-ray of my broken tailbone and fractured pelvis. They damaged my son and his head injury, if damages show up on an MRI, would be used against them. It easier to say his mother "neglected" him than it is to admit my son's injury was so severe it could be the reason he can't talk. They were wanting to push autism all along and have tried to suggest this before, to me and my family, when no one in Canada agreed, including child specialists. These Wenatchee doctors would love to call this "autism" instead of having his brain injury confirmed. An injury which occured on the left side of my son's head, which is where LANGUAGE skills are processed.

And they refuse him an MRI, the Wenatchee doctors, working with Wenatchee CPS. It was all medical professionals I'd threatened to sue who called CPS, and only after I threatened to sue them.

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