Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dogma of The Immaculate Conception Discoveries

I wrote about this in my last "true story" post, and will finish details today or tomorrow at the latest.

I want to find some of the exact dates and references to the reading I did then, and there are other details as well. I wrote down the name of the painting of Christ crushing the head of the serpent, which was done by an RCC monk for an RCC church, and I'll have to find that exact name for reference, and then I also wanted to get into what "dogma" means and how making a theory dogma changes the whole belief structure so that disagreements are not accepted on the doctrinal matter, but must be believed--required for salvation.

Also, I want to get into a document I found in the Abbey library which was tucked away and had the formal argument from the pope himself, speaking ex cathedra, as to why the RCC was making "the immaculate conception of mary" theory a dogma. There were only a couple of supporting "proofs", and unfortunately, the main one was this inclusion of a mistranslated pronoun as an argument that scripture designated "she" crushed the head of the serpent (meaning Mary). I really want to get into this, because I took this to the monks and was concerned, sincerely, and I need to write what the whole discussion was and their arguments.

Which led me to discover how the dogma of papal infallibility both protected and then also discredited the making of dogmas (if papal infallibility is true, why was a pope, speaking ex cathedra about the immaculate conception of mary WRONG?, and why didn't the RCC correct the error? instead of allowing millions and billions of faithful to blindly follow without knowing what their own clergy and head had discovered?) and then of course, I discovered how the assumption of mary dogma HAD to follow the "immaculate conception" dogma, because it was attempting to fill in some loopholes.

More on the original RCC teachings and traditions about the "immaculate conception", and then the debates, which were allowed freely until pressure to make this theory a "dogma" a little over one hundred years ago (THAT recent!).

Up until I confronted the monks with what I was finding, and trying to find out what was going on, Br. Ansgar was writing little love letters to me and making calls and doing some other things I became confused by and wrote to Fr. Joachim about. Br. Ansgar told me over the phone: "I love you" and he told me he didn't want me to see anyone else, or go on dates with other men. That was AFTER some OTHER things!

But, order first. Just wanted to sort of remind myself what I need to write about next so I don't get sidetracked and procrastinate further.

From the point that I began to strenuously and respectfully question what in the world was going on with the nondisclosure of the whole dogma thing, to the Catholic laity, and probably many faithful monks as well who didn't examine this, I was then attacked and plotted against (I found out) by the Abbey's attorneys and they started telling their police, whom they paid and who went to their church, to write me up as unstable, mentally ill, and dangerous, and they started trying to create a case against my character, so no one would believe me about the dogma discoveries or what their prized monk Br. Ansgar was trying to do with me and how the Abbey went along with it. They obtained my social security number, and I suddenly met someone who for years I thought was a genuine friend, but whom I later found out was working for the Abbey attorneys all along, and who sought to gain access not only to my house, but to records and other documents, and my family and personal history.

I am not even kidding when I say they asked me, seriously, if I knew or was related to Dan Brown. They wanted to know everything and they harassed me, and used lawyers, police and the Willamette Week, to do it, to try to bury me.

I applied the same research skills I used in trying to find out the truth about these certain dogmas, to the cases brought against the RCC for child sex abuse and the RCC's defense. One lawyer even paid me for copies of my research and work product. But no one defended those victims the way they could have been defended, and I've always questioned why. Everytime I said I was going to put what I had and knew about, into the public record, I was harassed, pulled over for something I didn't do, and had my car vandalized. My car vandalisms began after I began questioning the dogmas, and voiced my concern to the monks of Mt. Angel Abbey, and I was stalked and followed as well.

I don't think all those monks are "bad".

I am certain there are, or were a few, who strongly questioned what was going on, and who knew something wasn't right.

I told this "friend" of mine that I wanted to join the FBI as a lawyer so I could hold churches accountable for abuse of kids, through RICO or other provisions. I explained how churches were not unlike corporations, and should be held to the same responsibilities, and that if I were working in the FBI, I could go after corporate crime, with government funding. After I went on about this, and my goal, while I was getting high marks in college, I suddenly met the FBI employees, Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza, who were both Catholic and who both coerced their way into my house while I was under the influence, and sexually assaulted me.

After I began to very strongly question this "friend", I began sending only emails about how bright and intellectual my son was. I was rubbing it in, and stating I would raise him to do the same thing I did, find the truth and reveal the truth. It was after many emails like this that my son and I began having bizarre pain and twitching all night, after we were asked which bedroom we were in at our house and whether it was near a window, etc. Things only got worse.

I'm not against the Catholic laity except as one could be influenced by someone in their church to harm me out of misinformation or propaganda they got about me. I believe what happened to me and my son was the result of a fringe group of Catholic radicals or, basically, terrorists, who decided to make me and my son "pay" for whatever troubles they imagined I caused or could cause their church.

I'm wrong about a lot of things, but I'm right about this. I've been in the middle of it ever since I spoke up at the Abbey, in 2001, and there is a whole lot more to the story than what people have been told.

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