Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fun Times With Association and Police

Yeah. Couldn't get any better over here. Well, I moved to a new place and then a fiasco occured, which I won't get into at this time. At any rate, I was illegally locked out of my house and told my things were at a hotel room, and I didn't even know why. Once I came back, I saw a pill bottle from one of my bags was sitting on the dresser, the only thing my housemate had saved. It was an empty T-1 bottle from T-1's I took legally in Canada. It was just sitting there. She told police the reason she locked me out was because I was "eating her food" which was odd because she had said we could share it's contents and then I would replenish later. Long story.

So here I am, at a hotel room in the middle of nowhere, with NO telephone and I've been locked out without any warning or notice. We had a rental agreement and I hadn't violated any part of it. I was just surprised and tried to find out what the misunderstanding was, to no avail, so I called an officer for advice. I was told I had a legal right to be there, but would have to call some organization the next day. So I looked around and saw lights on at one house right next to the hotel. It was part of the hotel but I didn't know it. It wasn't that late, maybe a little after 10 p.m., and I needed to use a phone.

I knocked on the door and a big guy opens with his boxers on. I asked him if I could use his phone, that I didn't have a phone and needed to make a call. He said no, I couldn't, but that there was a payphone and he gave me some change. I didn't ask for change to make a call, but when he insisted I took it.

I made a call from the payphone and then went back to my room. Next thing I know, there's an officer at the door, the same officer, Officer Francis, and he's telling me he got a call from someone that I was knocking on the door, trying to come in, and asking him for money. I told the officer it wasn't true, that I was only trying to borrow a phone, and then I made a call from a payphone. I never asked to go in, and had asked if I could borrow it from the porch and the guy said no. His house wa the only one with all the lights on. The officer went back to this guy's house and then comes back to ME, and asked for my driver's license. I said why and he said he just wanted to document things. I wanted to know what in the world was going on and he said this other guys "story" was different from mine.

I panicked, thinking this was ridiculous and now I was going to be unjustly written up as harassing someone at night, and asking for money and to GO IN the house of a man who was in his boxers. Like I was a prostitute or something. The officer said it was the second call he'd received about me. I said, "second?!" and then the officer said the other one was from ME about my lock-out situation. I thought it was weird and this officer told me this guy said his lights had all been out. I don't know why he would say this, because they were NOT all out and when the officer got there, every light in the house was still on. Not just one light, but all of them.

I wouldn't normally write about this on my blog, but it's important right now because I don't need shit, and to be written up falsely, as doing something I didn't do, especially with what's going on with my son.

I asked to use a phone, period. And then I used one. I have asked countless people, on the bus, to borrow their cell phone, and this was an emergency and I asked to use a phone. If I had wanted to ask for money, I would have gone to someone I already knew, who was in the area, and if I'd ever wanted to be a prostitute, I certaintly wouldn't start with THAT guy, who was about 50 and potbellied and not attractive in the least.

At any rate, I've never had any desire to be a prostitute or a mistress, and have not done anything with anyone, EVER, for money. Period. I can defend people who have a different perspective, who may do this sort of thing, just as I can think outside of my own box of values, and defend the FLDS on religious discrimination I see taking place.

I have not even KISSED more than one person since I was pregnant, and that person is the "sort-of-ex" I've written about. Since there has been no more physical contact with him, I have not even kissed anyone or made out with anyone else. I know HE has. He's done more than that. Which is fine. Rebounding has never been for me, and although it works, and I know it works because I've done it in the past at least once, I don't as a rule, and I don't throw myself at men. I've kissed a couple other guys on their cheeks and that's it.

NOT that I should even be defending myself, but because I know how things will snowball just as it did when I didn't speak up for myself about the Willamette Week article which made me sound like a psycho tramp which was untrue, I am not going to allow the same thing to happen.

Assumptions should never be made that simply because one chooses TOLERANCE and practices tolerance towards others and values the civil rights of others, that this person is only defending them or tolerating the behavior because they are the same way or doing the same thing.

I am so very tired of narrow-mindedness.

I'm a writer, and I like to learn about other cultures and perspectives. That doesn't vicariously place me in as the same type of person I'm writing about or defending, questioning, or supporting in any way. I plan to continue my questions, and my learning process, and closing myself off to others who are different from me doesn't make me a better person. I feel I am given a gift, we all are, to document our lives and experiences. I do not plan to stop.

I have quit blogging about some things which are very tempting to blog about, about my life, and some great things have happened--new opportunities...but I'm not writing about it because I am trying to protect myself and whereabouts.

When it really comes down to it, my life and my personality are quite boring. It's others' lives that I find fascinating, and only my proximity to them makes me interesting in anyway. My life is interesting because I engage. That doesn't mean I participate in everything. I simply keep the conversation open and I would think this should not create the problems it has.

The officer said I wasn't "in trouble" but he wanted to make a note of everything. He didn't ask for my ID when I called him about the lock out but he DID after this nut called him with a complaint I can't even figure out. So, I have to cover my back. I don't have time to read his police report and see what was written and going to be all over Washington as another note about me. I don't have time to make requests for records and corrections. So here is the story and the truth.

And, for those trying to reach me or expecting me to call them, this is why I couldn't. Let's just say, fun times prevented me from getting into my own house after a long and ridiculous trip to Wenatchee last week--the worst one, I might add, to date, where I even missed a day of work because my ride failed to show up and I had to try to hitchhike to get to work in time.

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