Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hitchens vs Hitchens Debate

I used to do light gardening to classical music on weekends. Well, it was primarily a Sunday morning routine I took up in place of church, when I quit going after the whole Mt. Angel Abbey high crimes and black times.

Now I'm eating oatmeal, blogging, and trying to watch the Michigan debate from April of this year, between the Hitchens brothers. I am fascinated lately, I suppose because I'm sort of inbetween the two of them in my ideas, although I can't say I even know enough political vocab to put myself in the right context or definition.

Watching this debate is going to be a problem, because it's YouTube, and this is a very slow computer and in the last 10 minutes, I've heard nothing but interrupted applause from the crowd and a few soundbites from the moderator. Love these YouTube soundbites and how they break off. Let's see, I'll write down the next snippet I get (right now I'm just getting applause and hootin' and hollerin' again)...

"Based in Washing..." (that's it. That's)
"ton D.C., he has written 20 books..."
"including biographies of Thomas Paine,"
"...een, George Orwell, and Thomas"
"Jefferson. With whom he shared..."
"April 13th birthday"
"So early happy birthday"
"As well a..."

Okay, and inbetween the bites at least, let me count the seconds (18-27 seconds).

It's going to take all morning.

Update: It was taking way too long. I tried to find a transcript but I haven't found one. DID find some good quotes.

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