Friday, April 4, 2008

How Wenatchee CPS Ignores Best Interests

Correspondence between me and Marie regarding state's agenda vs. my son's best interests, and my eventual exasperation over the entire system and those operating CPS and their "investigative techniques and procedure" (copied and pasted--didn't want to separate with paragraphs):


You have never been "about Oliver and his needs". Your department refused to allow my son to see his mother for TWO weeks after she was asking to see him, and he lost weight, and I have records of all the trauma he went through, according even to my aunt. Your own director called ME, asking what I would do if your department dismissed their hasty-suspicion case voluntarily. You scheduled my son for state appointments and didn't notify me, and purposefully kept me in the dark. If you cared about my son, you would have cared what kind of information his own mother had about his development. You would have cared enough not to jerk me around with transportation and accomodations for visits, and not lied to me about how you were just dependent upon "Spokane" when it was Leeza signing authorization for hotels and YOU refusing to tell me where I was going until I was already on a bus. Marie, I seriously question the entire CPS organization when I have to "work with" people like you. You're a small town girl, with a narrow mindset, who has never been able to think for herself, or think outside of the box, EVER. You married into a comfortable and safe existence in Wenatchee and you will NEVER be able to do a good job at what you do, because you don't have the intellectual capacity to even think in scientific terms and don't know about children and their needs. Your life and your mind is full of superficial everyday events, about who is driving what car in Wenatchee, the new deck being built by Walmart, and hanging out with your friends from grade school, who are also your coworkers, who broaden your mind and ability to think for yourself about as much as a bird is stimulated by pecking at a worm. You operate on instinct and what is familiar to you, not intellect, and I, for one, am sorry for you. I'm sorry for you that you are so sheltered and contained, that you will blindly follow whatever you are handed, and agree with whatever assumption has been made, simply because someone you "know" has said it must be true. You believe what you read and question nothing, except those whom you believe are in an inferior position because of their economic status. You are an ISFJ, if I could make a guess, which means you're an Introvert who has her hands in the sand and trusts only what she feels for herself, without imagining the possibilities. You are probably also a Feeler, which means you are easily moved by irrational arguments, if they are emotionally charged and moving enough, or come from a source you think you should trust, and finally, you are a Judger, which means you don't like to explore possibilities or have your mind open to taking in new information which may be contradictory. It is difficult for you to change your mind about anything, because you think you can judge what a situation is and trust what you're told. You are unique, and your personality type is valuable, and not inferior in any way, to mine. That's not my point however. You're an administrative type who should not be in charge of this kind of work when you cannot "work cooperatively" with a mother and other parents who may have things to bring to the table that you're unprepared to deal with. In your position, and all those at CPS, in the position of being "investigators" and those in charge of such a process which impacts family lives, you should be up to the task of having the same logical and analytical skills as someone who works for the FBI. You think your job is less important? Your investigative techniques and findings and reports should not hold up as well, under scrutiny, or that they shouldn't be held to the same standards? Your entire office is operating on a bunch of girls who gossip at lunch and perpetuate gross assumptions and hysteria,and then you ignore my son's best interests in your determination to "best" "that woman" and be RIGHT. It's not about being right. It's about my son. You cannot be about my son's best interests, when you cannot put A and B together and deny parents their rights to process and notice, and think your judgments are superior. You cannot be about my son's best interests when you condescend to someone who is obviously your intellectual superior, whom you hate simply to hate and because you don't want to be wrong. I'm logical Marie. What your office is doing isn't logical, and it hasn't been from the start. I am not superior to you as a human being. But what I know about my son's needs and what I know about diagnostics and what is appropriate, in contrast to what the state has done and assumed, proves that I am a head and shoulders above your group. I should be giving your CPS people lessons in how to do their job. Which is unfortunate. You need training, and supervisors with some brains who actually care about not just kids, but the way you've set up your system to fail, by employing small minded people from the outset, who cannot abide change of any kind. I don't think there is anything I can do to shake you Marie. You will follow the path that is before you, and be satisfied with small things in life, and doing things by rote memory. I think you could be better than that, but instead, you wear this little cross around your neck whenever my aunt is around you, knowing how my aunt is, and hoping to persuade her you are on HER side or the same "team". You've done this with my entire family, and the sad part, is that when Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me", he wasn't talking about making them wait around for 2 weeks, or ignoring them as the other adults did. Supposedly, if you are a "christian" you are to treat others as if they were Christ Himself, or "entertaining angels unawares". What I've seen, is a narrow form of christianity from you, which you somehow think is important to advertise with your choice of jewelry, while denying both me and my son the benefits of christianity, which are good, which include putting others' needs before your own. Is this how you plan to live your entire life? Nodding yes to the "right" people and deriving satisfaction from the power you hold through your position? I think you've been abused Marie, and you don't know how to work it out other than by eating comfort foods and lording authority over others in an attempt to regain your own self. My son's best interest is to have an MRI without delay. Period. You can argue all you like and continue to write messages telling me to have appropriate behavior, as if you have a need to threaten me or warn me, and you can continue writing letters that make you feel better, claiming and agreeing I cannot use the hotel shuttle because I "treated them poorly" when you knew they were LATE on a scheduled pick-up on account of their PERSONAL life which I was upset about because it takes time away from my son and YOU are the one's paying for this "joint" and "transportation", or you can actually start thinking outside of your little box and try to be a better person and open your eyes. I think you've been walking in the dark for a very long time, and some of that is probably not even your fault. Cameo ---------------------------------------->

Subject: RE: From Oliver Garrett's Mother> Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 11:00:48 -0700> From:> To:> CC:; TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV>> Cameo,>> I spoke with Janelle Bersch at the Pediatric Therapy Center regarding> Oliver's speech therapy assessment. I told her about Oliver possibly> having a head trauma at birth and about your desire for him to have an> MRI. She said that even if Oliver is in need of other services, speech> therapy services may still be warranted. When someone has limited> speech, no matter what the cause, speech therapy can be helpful.>> This is not to say that other services may also be warranted at some> point, but the appointment for Oliver to be assessed for speech therapy> will not be cancelled. It has been identified that he may have a speech> delay that needs further assessment and therefore we would be negligent> not to follow through on that for him.>> We have already rescheduled Oliver's appointment once so that you can> attend. It will not be cancelled or rescheduled again at this point> without a court order.>> If you cannot behave in a manner that allows Oliver's assessment to take> place, you will be asked to leave. This appointment is about Oliver and> his needs.

>>> Marie Scanlon> Social Worker III> Wenatchee DCFS> (509) 667-6142>>> -----Original Message-----> []> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 7:40 PM> To: Leah Harris> Cc: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA); Caballero, Tomas (ATG)> Subject: RE: From Oliver Garrett's Mother>>>> Leah,>> I do not want anyone from your organization involved with my son> further. You've had 3 meetings with my son, and have evaluated him with> delayed communication, giving him tests and point scores (30 out of 50)> and a number of other things.>> Are you telling me someone from your organization even TRIED to contact> me? I am quite certain that if you or anyone else had said they would> like to speak with me, regarding my son, you could have done so and> either Marie or my aunt would have provided you with my contact> information.>> My aunt's recollections of your visits differ from what you and Marie> are now telling me has been going on, without my approval, consent,> knowledge, or consultation.>> You have been involved in my son's life for over 1 1/2 months and you're> saying you asked for my contact information and didn't receive it?>> You claim your staff will treat both me and my son "with respect" and> yet you HAVE already tested him for a number of things, giving him> "scores" and recommending your "treatment plan", which suddenly seems to> have changed.>> My aunt says this next visit was going to be further "evaluations" and> that your staff was going to begin "working with him" about his speech.>> NOW, after my aunt has been told you're both speech therapists, and> Marie said the same, you're telling me you're just "family resource> coordinators" who have barged into my family's life and started> "assessing" my son for "delays" which, no doubt, the AG and CPS have> only hoped could be used for ammunition against ME, by claiming any> "delays" are caused by negligence.>> CPS and the AG purposefully kept this information from me, and have> refused to give notice and copies of records. They have also refused to> allow my son to be evaluated by MRI for any brain injury or birth> trauma, which cannot be excluded in any kind of cognitive or other> evalution.>> You could have contacted me and didn't. You made assessments and gave> tests without my knowledge and consent, knowing his own mother would> have information about her own son.>> Are you even "speech therapists" at this point? as I was told by CPS?> or has this changed too?>> I repeat, I do NOT consent to any further evaluation or visits of my son> and strongly object to any interference, based on what has already> happened, and the fact that I was NOT respected, and my son's rights> have also been ignored as he is currently being denied diagnostics he> needs.>> I've already told doctors in Wenatchee about my concerns about my son,> and WE were ignored. Which is a big reason we left for Canada. Canada> treated us better with regard to my son's medical needs, as non-citizens> (even willing to provide free services for my son) than any of you have,> and now it seems there is a scramble to get evaluations in place for the> benefit of the state and not my son.>> I want my son evaluated by a speech therapist of my choosing, not yours,> or Wenatchee's. I also want an MRI for my son. After these things are> done, if you would like to provide supplementary "support" services, I'd> be happy to speak with you with an "open mind".>> For the record, I do NOT consent to the next appointment. I object, and> want it rescheduled until the next hearing where I may appeal to the> judge in this case.>> Thanks,>> Cameo>>>> ________________________________> > Subject: RE: From Oliver Garrett's Mother> > Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 17:43:26 -0700> > From:> > To:> >> > Dear Ms. Garrett,> > I would like to correct some of your assumptions regarding how we are> involved with your son. We are Family Resources Coordinators, which> means we help connect families to services they feel are necessary. At> this time, we have only scheduled Oliver for a speech evaluation (he> has, as yet, not been evaluated by anyone- that I know of), and my> understanding is that you are attending this meeting next week. Is this> not the case? I know it was scheduled at a time so that you could be> present.> >> > Until now, we have not had any information regarding how to contact> you regarding Oliver. We have been working with Marie Scanlon and> Oliver's foster mother to schedule this appointment. It would be very> helpful to have you attend the evaluation, and provide the therapists> with information you feel is important that they know.> >> > I hope you will be able to meet with us with an open mind regarding> what we can provide for Oliver, if he needs it. I know the staff we are> working with will treat you with that respect. We are looking forward> to meeting you.> >> > Thank you,> >> > Leah Harris> > NCESD Lead Family Resources Coordinator> > Chelan-Douglas Counties> > 630 N. Chelan, Suite A-1> > Wenatchee, WA 98801> > 509-664-3781> > 509-662-4562 (fax)> >> > Confidentiality Disclaimer:> > This e-mail message, including attachments, may contain confidential> or privileged information and is for the sole use of the intended> recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby> notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this> message or any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received> this e-mail in error, please immediately contact the sender by reply> e-mail and destroy the message.> >> > ________________________________

[]> > Sent: Thu 4/3/2008 4:12 PM> > To: Leah Harris; Janelle Bersch> > Subject: From Oliver Garrett's Mother> >> >> >> > I am told both of you have been "evaluating" my son for his speech> problems and yet in the last month and a half, you didn't think to> contact his mother, whom he lived with and who took accurate records of> his developmental milestones, to ask questions about his history.> >> > I consider this to be a sign of unprofessionalism and incompetence.> >> > You cannot make any kind of diagnostic or evaluation, without first> knowing what his history was, which included a very severe head trauma> at birth, over the left section of his head, which is the side that> processes language. My son had jaundice and abnormal bilirubin levels> for THREE months after birth because of his head injury, and I was told> from the beginning he would have jaundice because of this wound. He> also had a large scab over this wound, for THREE months, and I took> photos of it, feeling it may be significant as evidence later.> >> > Not only this, the lactation consultants I worked with, felt he wasn't> well and that he was having trouble nursing because of head injury and> "headache".> >> > I would like to hear your perspective on this and an answer as to why> you have not recommended MRI, to evaluate for damage to his brain, which> the speech therapist in Canada felt was necessary, and why you haven't> bothered to contact me to find out what was going on with my son.> >> > I am also requesting copies of all your records, and I do NOT consent> to further evaluation by either of you, or anyone from your> organization, for the record.> >> > I absolutely object to your involvement with my son as so far, you> have taken an incomplete history of my son and yet claim you know what> the problem is, and think that you can even "work with him" as if this> is a simple delay and not because of a traumatic injury which should be> evaluated by objective scientific diagnostics, and not mere "opinion".> >> > Please reply.> >> > Thanks,> >> > Cameo Garrett

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