Friday, April 4, 2008

Joined! Obama Campaign

Heyyy! Look at this already. From the first page after I signed up to receive news from Obama's campaign:

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign is funded entirely by grassroots supporters like you. Unlike Hillary Clinton, Senator Obama does not accept money from special interest groups and Washington lobbyists. As a result:

Barack Obama owes nothing to the Health Insurance Industry
Barack Obama owes nothing to the Oil Industry
Barack Obama owes nothing to the Weapons Industry

Instead, Senator Obama truly represents the change we can believe in because his only obligation is to the best interests of the American people, made possible by individual supporters like you."

Am I right, or am I right? I didn't even know this stuff, listed above. I think this supports the idea he is more about public interest than the other candidates, but I'm also confused by my own ideas that one can take support from a group and use that money and not endorse the group. Maybe I think this is true of individuals or small groups, but not these huge conglomerations which really do wield inordinate power and would expect favors?

At any rate, I feel good about my decision and choice.

Update: Okay, feeling kinda nervous now. Read the CNN profiles on their political analysis page for candidates views on world issues. Obama sounds like a zero nukes type of guy, which is good theoretically, but umm...kinda scary too. We can trust us, but can we trust them? who is going to be the international nuke police? and who has the best hiding places? Sort of nervous but...i'll keep reading. Not saying it's not possible.

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