Sunday, April 27, 2008

Larry King's Interview With Bush Women

Now the critique of the first lady and her daughter...They both seemed starry-eyed and naive when speaking about the "Holy Father", and while I am sure this guy is a decent person to speak with, I cringed at the adoration. What is their personal experience though, with this man or church, in a negative way? I suppose I was the exact same way with the monks I knew, until they defamed me and showed their true colors.

As for the kid's book, I know I would never want to read a book like that as a kid. I can't imagine most kids WOULD want to read about a boy who likes story hour at his school. I didn't like the illustrations either, which looked to me like something I would see on a promotional brochure for "National Reader's Week" for the library. It just looked like library propaganda, which, I don't think, kids are interested in. And if you want to encourage kids to improve their vocabularly by including "big words" in a book, make it an interesting book to begin with.

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