Thursday, April 24, 2008

Manic? My Energy Level

No, by the way. I am not manic. Ha! I just have a lot of ideas all the time, and I've always been this way, since I was a child. I was voted "Most Enthusiastic" in high school. I was captain of the Cheerleading Squad, went to state for Track (3 events) and Cross-country, dance team, homecoming committee, student council, and church, the lead in plays, etc. I've always had a lot of energy, normally.

Which is also why I did well in college when I structured my time. I was able to take 20 credits of upper level courses, in literature and science, as well as work an entrepreunerial PT job (I bought and resold and shipped used books), write all my own legal motions and pleadings and do research for them, and still date and go out socially. I made it work by combining some things, like eating breakfast while I showered. The term I did all these things, with a broken femur besides, which was painful and giving out all the time, and with my migraines, I got a 3.7 GPA.

I have enthusiasm and energy, when not beaten down by life in general. And I've been writing since I was 13 years old, in a diary. It's natural to me.

So there's my defense. I am an optimist besides. Despite everything, I enjoy my life and life in general.

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