Friday, April 4, 2008

Veni, Domicella

I was offered a position as a mistress.

Okay, need to be discreet here, so I'm mixing up times, dates, places, and names. I met him awhile ago and didn't feel I could write anything because he asked me to keep our conversations private, but then he said I could write about him (not with his name and I think he thought in a future book) so here I am. Writing more than a footnote.

This also happened to me in Canada, but it was different and more along the lines of exploitation or trafficking, where I was pressured for something when I was in a vulnerable position, but I kept safe by staying away or in public places and then got out entirely. I have also questioned the role of the individuals involved and who they were connected to, for a number of reasons I'll explain later.

This was more direct. It was a little variation of the mistress theme but I'm a little confused too. He's not married, just wants a permanent placement, and he did express an interest in finding higher end "call girls" or mistresses for very rich men. He sounded like he had men in mind. He said this is done in Japan or Asia commonly (the mistress thing) and in Europe.

But I was given 3 choices. Of course, there is always a 4th, which is "No" to all the above. But I'm sort of curious. Not in being a mistress, but in the whole definitions and "can we get it in writing?" deal. I'd like to see the offer in writing. ;) WELL!

This offer was very direct, and he approached me awhile ago. He's not the guy who helped me with my stuff in Wenatchee the last couple of weeks, who was just a friendly guy who happened to move the same time as me, from the same area, and we'd just talk. There was NOTHING romantic of any kind.

Then I noticed surveillance of me the following week, after I blogged about "2 Kilos of Cocaine" (By more than one person, I tell you). It was, like, all over the place. Men coming in to sit close and eavesdrop who kept looking at me, following us by car so that the guy I was with told me he was "losing them". The surveillance was pretty much a waste of time, because the guy who told me about the kilos in Yakima was someone I met once, at a very public location, and we just started talking.

One can learn a lot by being approachable and asking questions and then just listening.

The best thing, for getting people to talk who you already know, if there's tension or a conflict, is to let them talk, and listen and say absolutely nothing. Then there's this silence and they keep talking. And you say absolutely nothing. And then they add to what they were saying. I've found this is a VERY good trick. Darn. Now the cat is out of the bag. But it works for difussing conflict sometimes, or for helping someone to get something off of their chest. I don't abuse the privilege and I've never manipulated anyone with this. It makes the other person feel better, and me too, because I know I'm hearing more information than I would if I interrupted to agree or disagree. It's kind of fun too, because they don't know what you're doing, and after 2 minutes of long silence from me, they start talking again to either fill the space, articulate what they mean, or get a response. Then inwardly I'm smiling while outwardly I'm a blank, naive girl with a high voice.

I tried this on the guy who proposed the mistress thing. It didn't work (at first). He stopped talking and I shut up at just the right moment. I was waiting for him to speak again but he didn't. We drove 5 more miles and nothing. I wouldn't cave in and finally he did, maybe 10 minutes later after silence. He began to further define what he was talking about in an "arrangement".

I asked what it meant exactly, because he was vague at first. He talked about an "exchange". And 3 variations of the exchange. Did I want friendship only, or romance only, or an exchange (not as prostitution or short term but in an "arrangement"). He said, "What do you think?" I said, "I don't know, I'm sort of confused." I told him I was wondering if he could define what he was talking about better, and he said he thought I knew what he was talking about and he wasn't going to say more. He also said he's interested in opening an escort service with a cover for high priced call girl service. I said, wasn't he worried about getting caught? and he said the escort thing would be the cover. I said "Are you married?" earlier and he said no. I asked again, "You're not married?" and he said no. Then I asked, "Are you a pimp?" He laughed and said no.

I don't know if the woman he wanted to introduce me to is into this sort of thing, but he said she could get me a job and she's exceedingly rich (billionare or something) who had a nice dividend from her divorce. She could be totally legitimate.

I personally like the idea of being paid for being a honeytrap with a purpose, and am quite sure I get into houses without a hitch and then break free, but I've never done it before, and it would have to be for a darn good reason and I'd have to believe in the reason.

When we departed, he asked for a hug. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He tried to kiss me on the mouth but I turned my head and kissed his other cheek instead and said, "I'm still thinking." Or maybe I said, "I still need to think about it." Whatever. I walked away and felt very bad in a way. Sort of depressed. No need to be, because I didn't do anything wrong, but thought... I don't know. Couldn't someone approach me with 3 choices like this?:
1. film maker,
2. screenplay writer, or
3. contracted novelist?

I didn't turn anything down and said I was thinking about it because I want to know more. If I say no to anything, he'll stop talking. I need a legitimate job connection and am interested in that, but I'm also wondering what this other stuff is about. I'm curious to know what the proposal would be. I don't have to agree to it to get him to give me a better job description.

I mean, come on people, don't YOU want to know TOO?

I don't think he knows I write in a blog, but maybe he does, because he's said things that are agreeable to things I've written, like he's read it. But I don't know.

Life is interesting, that's for sure.

Update: Hmmph! WTF! First I get, "I want you to be MY ho" from the sort of ex, and now this. He asked, "Are you attracted to me?" after asking me would I want to play mistress. What am I anyway?! chopped Liv-ah?

I want the moon and the man in the moon is what I want. And I want a damn good job that will make a LOT of money so I can afford to buy things like lawyers who will do what I want and keep my family (me & my son) safe.

It was kind of strange because it reminded me of things Raul Bujanda asked me, well, one question, and my questions of this guy parallel the questions I asked Bujanda in an elevator.

Are you a lawyer? (to Bujanda)/Are you married? (to Recruiter)

You're not a lawyer? (to Bujanda)/You're not married? (to Recruiter)

Are you a defendant? (laughter from Bujanda)/Are you a pimp? (laughter from Recruiter)

This man is safe, and has many connections. He's a businessman, lawyer, CEO type. The type who works in the real world around people everyday. My theory is that men who use these services are primarily traveling salesmen, or those in any middle to upper class position who are busy. I don't know, just a guess.

No, I'm not going to do a number of things people have asked me, in horror, if I "planned to do", such as: jump trains or become a mistress.

I think being a mistress is actually legal. It's not a direct exchange of money but putting someone up in a flat, house, apartment, and giving them gifts. In a way, I've always felt the idea grotesque, but is marriage much different? There is an exchange there as well. He said it's not an I'm out of here (mistress) arrangement, but one where there is mutual affection and just a certain agreement that when he is in the area, well...

He said I was a "classic beauty" and that I reminded him of women from Poland or Ukraine, and northern (eastern?) Europe. (He travels internationally and knows languages) He said the way I did my hair, pulled back from my face into a loose knot, was also common there. Said I was the type which was beautiful without any make-up. He had thought I was 24 years old at first.

I think I need to find out more, but I'll probably have surveillance on my you-know-what again. So I'll just have to mix up who I go out with and am seen with, right?

Only her hairdresser knows for sure? I'm pretty tight lipped when I want to be.

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