Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Concerns Tonight

I'll be working on this next. In the next day or two. I haven't been able to sleep, thinking about my own son and what he's going through, separated from me. I also know it is urgent I write about what happened to me, for background of what has happened to us in the last couple of years.

My son needs protection. Not from me. My son and I need to be together, and we need protection, period.

It seems no one will believe me until I explain how bad the things that have happened have been and were.

I'm not even having my periods anymore. My horomone levels were fine, and they were tested and I was not in pre-menopausal phases before my son quit talking and then we both suffered from the extreme pain. My periods quit during that time, and then returned briefly in Canada and have quit again. I was stressed out in Canada. I knew I didn't have them before, because of the extreme pain and what was happening. Now, I'm concerned as to whether this is a symptom of permanent damage.

I don't have any of the same pain or symptoms, any pain is commensurate with actual injuries, it's not the other stuff that was happening to us. But I've lost my period and I'm hoping perhaps it is the result of marijuana for migraine instead of a damage?

I didn't have a migraine before period, this month, and hardly even had a tension headache. I haven't smoked anything at all. We'll see if this continues for the after-period phase.

I'm very concerned about my son. He needs to be with me. He has been acting out and it is distressing to me he's not getting regular sign language. Even with a therapist, he's only getting ONE HOUR a week. That is not okay. He's 2 and in a main phase of language development. There is NO time to lose. He's being refused an MRI. Among other things. And he still has tinea versicolor and no one in Wenatchee will diagnose or treat him, or send him out for a referral. I had tinea, and my son has it and his spots are back. He needs a fucking referral.

I don't trust the state at all. At this point, I trust the federal government more than this state. It seems state employees have little cultural awareness or intelligence between the ears. Then again, the feds won't approve research for medical use of marijuana, which is bizarre.

In addition to writing my true story contuation next, I want to write on how we need a serious debate on how to restructure the legal and justice system, to make it WORK. It's been falling apart for some time, and is beyond corrupt and irresponsible at this point. I think it can be saved, but no one is seriously recognizing the need and entertaining actual plans for RESTRUCTURE.

I'm having a drink tonight. I don't need one, I want one, and I deserve it. And I'm having my drink on behalf of my son and the LDS church which doesn't drink or practice beliefs of the FLDS but which can extend their arms to these people, and help them to regain their rights, the same rights we should all equally have and have a right to maintain.

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