Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reply Declaration Of Cameo Garrett

Cameo Garrett states as follows:

First of all I apologize for the length of this declaration, but it is long only because of the length of the petition filed by CPS. I am asking the court to consider my reply declaration and grant my motion dismissing this dependency petition for lack of sufficient evidence or grounds. I am not mentally ill and I resent very much the treatment I have had from CPS. I want my son back in my care.

Second, I have made this statement entirely on my own. I have sought the assistance of an attorney in Bellingham, Washington, Robert E. Beaty WSBA #5542, to help me put this declaration in proper form, but at this moment I am appearing before you pro se and these words are my own.

Third, I understand why the court must appoint an attorney at public expense; my pro se assist attorney explained that problem to me; it has to do with protection of the record. I have objected on two prior occasions to the appointment of a public defender, because I think they are overworked and because I am concerned about finding an attorney who will give me quality representation. Wenatchee is a small community and I feel I am being railroaded by the hospital and medical professionals. I cannot afford my own private counsel. I will understand if you have to appoint me an attorney, but I feel that there may be a problem in my case by me having a court appointed counsel. I wish to represent myself as much as possible, perhaps with continued assistance form an attorney who lives in the same geographical area, as do I in Whatcom County.

Please consider the rest of this statement, organized paragraph by paragraph from the lengthy statements contained in paragraph 1.5 of the Dependency Petition, parts 1-26:

1. I deny the claim that I have severe mental health issues. I am employed and couldn't be if my mental health were "deteriorating" --what CPS is claiming. I have friends in Blaine, where I live now and socialize, and I am still in touch, and talk to or email, good friends I've had since I was 15 years old. I have at least 4 long-term friends who have known me for 10-16 years, 3 female, 1 male.

I have made complaints about several individuals or groups in the last several years, most of whom were medical doctors in this area, regarding ethical violations or illegal conduct, and I have also warned some that I would or have reported these things. I have said I would be seeking an attorney for damages. That is at the root of this CPS petition, in my opinion. It may sound as if I'm always making complaints, but I've never falsely accused someone, or made accusations about trite things, and if there has been any reaction from me, it is in response to the distress of the damages, or in being ignored or having certain matters covered up. I was having extremely severe pain and fatigue, primarily due to migraine headaches. I had DOCUMENTED (In the actual form, it's underlined instead of in caps but I can't find those functions here) symptoms. I may have been exposed to some pesticides. I experienced some strange problems with my computer. I hired a computer technician to check it out. He told me the problems I was having could only happen with sophisticated equipment. I did more investigation and learned that this equipment is powerful enough to cause the kind of health problems I was having. When I moved out of the area the symptoms and the computer problems disappeared. My has never, at any time, been at risk. I do not trust CPS to do a sound investigation and these CPS claims are grossly distorted, as you will see.

2. Paternity. It is NOT true that I have refused to give information as to the identity of the father. I have fully complied with all requests from the state for information about the father and the attorneys in the child support division have been/were satisfied with my answer.

3. Concerning the allegations about the hospital visits and the home visits.

A. I suffer from extremely painful migraine headaches. They refused to treat me. I have yet to see the hospital records, but when they refused treatment, I asked for an MRI for myself to rule out the ER's claim my pain was "somatic". I specifically asked them how they could claim I had no source or cause of pain unless they did the diagnostic. I did not, to my recollection, ask for medication for my son. I had records of a prior diagnosis. I never said I would "die" if they didn't give me medication and I NEVER once requested medication for my son. I requested diagnostics, period.

B. The hospital brought an injunctionn against me after i told them I was suing for medical malpractice, violations of HIPPA, and slander. They incorrectly defamed me as being drug-seeking and mentally ill when there was proof of neither, it is not true, and I've had no diagnostics.

C. The residence is not a "shack". The house needed pain and was small, but it is structurally sound and had been examined by the electrical people and passed all inspections.

D. The paramedics were NOT afraid to enter the house. I was present. I talked with them. They asked me permission to enter, to examine me and my son inside the house. I said no, but I also said I would meet them outside and be examined in the ambulance. I was waiting outside for the paramedics each time they arrived.

E. It was not just ONE mental health professional who felt I wasn't detainable, it was TWO. THE ER DOCTOR called one mental health professional, and not being satisfied (as usual) and angry with me, called for another one. BOTH Of them concurred I was not detainable.

F. The attending physician was Dr. Eric Hughes. When the mental health professionals left, Dr. Hughes came into the room and talked to me at length, angrily telling me he was going to have my son taken away from me, and brushing aside my question as to how he could be so certain my pain was "somatic" if he didn't rule out other possibilities with an MRI, as I'd requested. He was angry, rude, and on another occasion, Dr. Hughes was directly involved in trying to prevent me from finding a remedy for my problems with the hospital.

4. Allegations about the 1-18-08 CPS Call. On this date when Pamela called I was at my grandparents having a migraine headache. I was having them 3-4 days per migraine period, which is typical. I asked her if she could come the following day. I probably DID tell her I had to take a pain pill and get off the phone because I was having one of my migraines, which are documented and for which I've received 2 separate neurological evaluations.

5. Allegations about the 1-18-08 CPS home visit. The house is a legitimate house that needs a paint job. Shack is defined in the dictionary as "Hut, shanty; a room or similar enclosed structure for a person or use." This little house has a sound roof, windows, a door, heat, insulated walls, lights, walls, plumbing, a kitchen area, a bathroom, with a bath tub and sink, furniture, beds; everything you would have in a home. I rented it. It was inspected and approved by L&I and it is fit for human habitation. There was garbage in the back of the house, becasue that is where the recycling materials are located. I put the other garbage materials, the non-recyclables, next to the recycling and then take it ot the burning barrels later. There was a foot of snow and I had been ill, so I took the garbage out of the house, put it in the back, to move for burning later. There may have been a couple of recycling bags in the front because I was separating things there, as there is a porch and a chair and a better place to sort. There was a kitten crate on the front porch, to remind myself to put it in the car to be returned to the woman who had given us the kitten. There were no feces on the bottom of the crate as the cat has only been in the crate one time, to be transported in the car from her house to our house. The other animal crate was a hamster cage I had been given 2 days before Pamela found out, whch had normal pellets for covering. There were not any hamster droppings I'm aware of, but it may be possible, because the reason it was outside was because it needed to be cleaned out before we bought a hamster/mouse. Not all of the windows were covered by closed curtains. Both a bathroom window and a kitchen window are always uncovered and I'm not sure what difference it makes to have closed or unclosed curtains. There was a "notice" of surveillance on the door like the stickers people put on their car or house windows or doors. I suppose I could have a "Beware of Dog" sign in the yeard, but felt the surveillance notice did the same thing; I've had multiple car and house break-ins and theft. I am not sure which door had the gift bag with legal documents--probably the side door which is never used and which I don't see when I pull into the hosue by driveway. It is a lie to say there was a "pile of garbage" so high. First of all, there was no open garbage; everything was in garbage bags, which were tied off. If one of them was standing upright, perhaps it was 2 feet high, but this is a distortion of the truth because although there were several bags outside which needed to be sorted for recycling or burned, there was no open "dumping ground", and the garbage was outside of the house in the back, by recycling crates, not IN the house. There may have been some garbage strewn about the home outside, if one of the neighboring dogs got into one of the bags. There is a black dog that regularly wanders around the house and gets into things and I've been told an orchard foreman owns him from an adjoining property.

6. CPS observed child crying on 1-18-08. On this day, which was the day I said Pamela could come out (because the day before I was having the migraine), Pamela saw my son and he was fussy. I told Pamela my son had just awakened from a nap; my granparents were there at the door with me and they explained the same thing and knew this to be the truth. My grandparents wouldn't "cover" for something that wasn't true. They spoke to CPS freely about me later on, when they were angry with me; it is from that conversation that Pamela used to create distortions and allegations from. It is true that I agreed to allow CPS to come into my and my son's house at a later date.

7. CPS Visit on 1-22-08. CPS did not tell me they were coming back on the 22nd. The ER physicians told CPS to look at my blog. They even printed out select portions for the 2 different mental health professionals they asked to come out to talk to me. After reading portions out of context, those persons were satisfied I was quite sane after speaking with me. I never said "ray guns" were hitting my son and me. I wrote about the extreme inexplicable pain, which was real, and I believe I explained a computer tech had said there was a radio tower near my house and that if someone was hacking onto my computers the way I said, it would be by using microwaves. Those were HIS words and explanation, not mine. I repeated what he told me, in my blog, and because he said it WOULD cause severe health problems, I believed this to be the possible source of the strange pain and fatigue. I was trying to find out what sort of technology could cause what was happening so I researched and found inforation about microwaves technology. I still don't know exactly what it was, but I do believe it was a possibility. I have some ojective evidence/documentation to prove this was happening (not enough). I KNEW it sounded nuts when I wrote it, but I wanted to document what was happening so if I got proof later, someone couldn't say I was making up symptoms to match. If someone came forward to report they had information about what was going on, I wanted to have a way to prove I was really going through this. So I documented publicly, hoping someone might have an idea aboutwhat it could be. CPS cannot get beyond the idea that this shows some type of mental illness and could actually be real. I knew how it sounded crazy, but it was more important to me to put it out there and because the symptoms were severe and nobody believed me. My blood work was abnormal and I had other abnormalities. I did go to the ER because of what was happening; they documented heart palpitations or erratic heartbeats, (the paramedic Jeff did); he noticed my normal low blood pressure of about 90/70 was almost double when they picked me up, to 140-something/100 or so. I wrote from Canada and told U.S. CPS we were on vacation and might return. I wrote this hoping this would keep people from doing a "manhunt" for my son and me. They made it sound like I was planning to do harm to myself or son. Later on, I had an email from my mother that CPS had thought I'd "run" from something. I hadn't been running from CPS. I left to see whether the pain and symptoms were caused by the environment or something else, and because I was tired of being harassed by the same doctors who made 5 complaints to CPS, which were all dismissed as unfounded. I HAD CALLED CPS IN OLYMPIA BEFORE I LEFT AND ASKED IF IT WAS LEGAL AND OKAY FOR A PARENT, A LEGAL GUARDIAN, TO LEAVE THE STATE OR COUNTRY WITH THEIR CHILD DURING A CPS INVESTIGATION AND I WAS TOLD YES, AS LONG AS THERE WASN'T A PROTECTIVE ORDER ON THE CHILD. THERE WASN'T, AND NO ONE HAD THREATENED ONE, SO I LEFT.

8. More of CPS Visit of 1-22-08. Yes, the house was a mess. I had been ill. I was unable to stand more than 10 minutes at a time. My son was also ill. I had called a pesticide hotline months earlier to find out if this was the cause. I went online and found tht every one of my symptoms, our symptoms, were consistent with some sort of exposure to either a poison or microwaves. These symptoms were the ones I reported to the doctors. They were so bad they did affect my ability to clean this house. I still cared for my son. I put all my remaining energy into my son instead of the house. I kept my eye on him at all times. He never touched anything dirty, or put anything in his mouth. I fed him in his highchair and cleaned the table where his plate was, and mde sure the areas he played in were clean. This is my point: I WAS EXTREMELY ILL PHYSICALLY, NOT MENTALLY, AND NO ONE WAS LISTENING TO ME. I called my family and asked them for help with cleaning the house, because I needed help and no one would help me. So I left. I have suffered from 2 car accidents before, with bone marrow transplants to my knee, pinning and plates and fusions, and even a broken neck surgery, and NOTHING was as painful as what I was going through then. I did what I felt was in my son's best interest; I left. I left mainly because I wanted to get away and see if it made a difference, and secondly, because I already knew my writing about "radiation" was making me sound crazy and I WAS worried that eventually, at some point, CPS might try to take my son. I lived with my son in Canada. In Canada, both my son and I got severe bronchitis and had to take antibiotics for it. I went to Canada because no one local believed me about the pain. Once there, I was caring for my son, and took him in for medical care, and found a job as a nanny, within 2 weeks time. Both my son and I had almost immediate relief with residual symptoms. After they took my son from me, under far more stress than before, none of the "symptoms" returned. These symptoms were not in my head. Under stress, mental illness worsens, it doesn't disappear, and yet while my stress levels went up 10 fold, being jailed with my son torn from me, I had no more pain and my son had been better too.

9. 1-22-08 CPS Contact with Relative. I can't answer for the first relative and don't know who it is, but does not that statement prove by itself that these CPS claims are largely unfounded, undocumented, and from unconfirmed sources? As for taking pills, I only took waht was prescribed, and then sometimes tried to add a little more to see if it helped with the pain. As for the "other" relative, I know who said this because it's the only relative who would. Granny would have said she thought my son and I had lost a lot of weight because she thinks everyone is losing weight. My grandmother also has alzheimers and sometimes forgets what's going on. My grandmother WOULD say I was "unreasonable" because she thinks everything is unreasonable if it doesn't agree with what she thinks. If I say to her that Oliver is NOT thinner, and was just weighed in recently at the doctors and is gaining weight fine, she would argue with this and say she can see it with her own eyes and I'm being "unreasonable". As for money, I didn't have much money. As for friends, my family didn't know abou tmy social life or affairs. And yes, I didn't get along with most of them because they're often ushy and on a different page, and wouldn't help me when my son and I needed it most. This side of the family is extremely ultra-religious and thinks someone might have "evil spirits" if anything is unusual, and was trying to get me to prayer groups; there is one relative who thinks even caffeine is a major drug and freaks out if she hears someone drinks Red Bull.

10. Detained In Canada. I was never in Canada illegally. A Canadian border officer made a statement that I was there illegally after CPS and U.S. law enforcement got involved and told them I was mentally ill and that my child was at risk; they told me I was there "illegally" after speaking with CPS and "Washington authorities" fist. I entered Canada legally with proper documents for both me and my son. The immigration officer tried to claim I was violating a law I hadn't violated for an excuse to remove me without formal extradition processes. I wasn't staying in "various shelters". I went to one shelter, to save money and request information about getting a work visa. I had gone over, initially, for a 3-day stay to check things out, and on the 2nd day I was detained by immigration and they forced me to sign an form that I would leave voluntarily, under threat of arrest and removal of my child. The immigration officer, Russ M. Radi, said he found out about me in the NCIC database. I knew if I was in the NCIC, someone was planning to take my son from me at the border. I knew it was trumped but I agreed to leave and then on the way, met someone who was willing to have me and my son stay with his fmaily and to speak to an attorney about my rights. The reason Radi said I was "illegal" was because I was considered to be in Canada with "insufficient funds" and yet I had said I was only going to be there 3 days and I still had funds by the 2nd day. I was told if I had a sponsor or family providing room and board, our circumstances were changed and we would no longer be considered to be in the "insufficient funds" category. Then I talked to a lawyer (40 years immigration law, Queen's Counsel) who said the piece of paper I signed was irrelevant from the moment we found "friends"/a family to support us while we wre there. The lawyer advised me I was legally in Canada as a "visitor" and that once I had a job offer, I would have to aplpy for a work visa. I did what any mother would do, who was being railroaded, I sought and fought to find a way to keep my family together and I got a job. I figured that since I was now there "legally" they couldn't deport my son and me or remove my son from me, even if the U.S. wanted to.

11. 12_13.14.I-don't have anything for me to respond to.

15. US ALERT. I can't respond to this except to say that if a statewide alert was put out, it may have also involved the FBI, as it was in an NCIC database, which is federal and may have involved the FBI. I had fled a complaint with the FBI that 2 FBI emplyees from Portland, Oregon had sexually assaulted me. The Central Washington ER doctor, Dr. Parnell, wrote me up as mentally ill in my chart when I showed up with anxiety after an investigation, and claimed I came in rambling about being "raped by the FBI" (I never claimed I was raped and didn't even tell HIM my complaint was sexual in nature. I only said there was a misconduct complaint). I had been groped by 2 agents from the FBI--the same FBI which later covered up the incident and threatened me (the FBI agents who assaulted didn't threaten me, it was more their superiors, to not tell anyone about it, even police). I went to the Portland police about it and they blew it off. I repeatedly requested records from the FBI (FOIA) and from the Portland police and they refuse to give anything to me. Police profiled me ever since my litigation with the Catholic church, who involved their own CAtholic members who were also police, and then it increased after the FBI investigation (the agents who assaulted me were also Catholic and I believe connected to the Catholic church attorneys).

16. Hearsay Opinions from Unnamed Relatives. This is simply outrageous that CPS would rely on this kind of material to claim I am unfit.

17. CPS History. 1-16-08 Referral. My blog. I cannot respond to this. How is it relevant?

18. CPS History. 1-10-08 Referral. Use of over the counter pain medication. This is unfounded referenced hearsay. I can guess who may have said it. This was probably a complaint from Pam, a secretary for Dr. Freed. Pam is an extremely conservative woman who doesn't drink at all. I remember telling her that I have a half glass of wine sometimes, along with Tylenol and Advil, at night (when the baby is asleep) because the pain was bad and I didn't have anything else to treat it with.

19. CPS History. 12-11-07 Referral. Telephone contact with Ms. Gisler and Ms. Wilson. This entire paragraph is like a repeat of a CPS worker's diary. I ask myself why is that appropriate in a dependency petition except to try to swamp me and the court with a mass of raw data. I do not get paranoid when people call me. I enjoy receiving calls. I have never been "delusional" yet, I was written up as such by Wenatchee doctor, Dr. Parnell. He claimed I was delusional because he thought it was unlikely or untrue that I'd actually been assaulted by or EVEN KNOWN "FBI" employees. I have always been rational and I dislike illogical conjecture and statements. My statements are based on fact and logic, and where absolute facts may be absent; I rely even more heavily on what the most logical theories might be. It seems strange to me that Pamela, the CPS investigator, or Paula or Karen, would write, "Mother has not made any threats of harm to the child and it is reported that mother is very careful to not make any statement to that effect." How do THEY know I'm "very carefull to not make any statements to that effect" if I've never MADE any statements to that effect? Can they read my mind? Or are they just paranoid themselves and making assumptions about what I think and choose "not to say"? The hysteria in Wenatchee is one reeason I left. In Wenatchee, I've found, gossip is repeated as fact, laws disregarded, and then hysteria ensues. I've never talked about even owning a "weapon." It is this kind of reporting and these kinds of statements that I object to; this kind of speculation is reported and then repeated in court and represented as being true to prove a point that cannot be proven by competent evidence. If anyone exhibits "signs and symptoms of paranoid schitzophrenia", it is those who have attacked me, not myself.

a. 12-11-07 Telephone Call. A CSO worker claims she called me and in her opinion it was as if "I had woken her up or she just took a lot of medication." More assumption and imagination. This comment shows bias and self-serving speculation.

b. 12-11-07 CPS Visit. From this statement, one would think I talked to CPS for a long time and that I went into my life story. I talked to them for 10 minutes, and then wanted to go inside with my son because it was cold out. I made two quick comments to them: I told CPS to noitce how EVERY SINGLE complaint to them about me was made by medical professionals who I had claimed were responsible for medical malpractice or ethics violations. So this wasn't suspicion, this was a correct assessment of what was going on. I did NOT tell CPS that I still had a "black eye" from childbirth,; I said I had a black eye immediately AFTER childbirth, from pushing so hard, and this is not uncommon. I will explain what happened and let you decide the relevancy. Two years ago in childbirth, I was told I wasn't pushing hard enough and they forced my son out. The doctors knew, based on reports of my Oregon GYN that my pelvis was far too narrow to deliver naturally. I was told it would be impossible and I would be high risk even carrying. Wenatchee "professionals" disagreed and said it wasn't "impossible" and that things can relax with hormones at time of birth. I gave it a shot, but then when it was not going to work I told the people at Central Washington Hospital it wasn't going to happen and I needed a C-section. What happened instead is that they made me push far past the recommended time allowed for pushing, they turned off my epidural against my will, refused to call another doctor, forced me to to push and the midwife was trying to "stretch" me for over an hour with her hands inside of me with my son's head visible; in the process, I broke my tailbone (not just fractured, it was broken off at a weird angle and cannot heal), hemorrhaged, fractured my pelvis, prolapsed, and suffered from all kinds of complications and couldn't be discharged in a normal timeframe because of the injuries. My son had a severe head injury, which was minmized as a "hematoma" (one that scabbed over and was still scabbed 3 months later, on the left side of his frontal lobe area, which is the area that enables speech and at 8 months of age he suddenly lost his ability to speak--and the doctors in Wenatchee refused to refer him out for MRI because they haven't wanted evidence he has brain trauma from their negligence). THREE MONTHS after delivery my son's bilirubin levels were abnormally high because he still hadn't broken down excess blood from his head injury. This is documented because I demanded the bilirubin test, and I took photos of my son's head at 3 months as well. Also, 2 different pediatric dentists informed me that my son has "enamel dysplasia", which is a disruption in the tooth formation that is extremely rare, and both dentists said, in my son's case, was caused by the extreme pressure and trauma he went through at childbirth. He already has cavities because of it, he doesn't have normal protection of his teeth and the dentists say his primary teeth may be affected as well, which would mean he has to have orthodontic work to fill in the deficits. Yet the hospital wrote this whole delivery up, which was extremely traumatic, as a "normal, spontaneous delivery". (One nurse did come into my room after the delivery, and said to me in a whisper, to get a good lawyer, that what had happened to me was highly abnormal and should have been prevented). So, how is this relevant? I told CPS how the medical community covered for each other (except one or two). I asked CPS to note how all the complaints started coming in after i told them I was getting a medical malpractice attorney. CPS distorted what I said, evidentally didn't believe me, but trusted the "medical professionals" over my account. It is true Pamela asked me for a mental health evaluation. I knew they had no evidence of mental illness, but just wanted to create something, so I refused. I told Pamela I was tired of being harased by medical people calling in hysterical and self-protective complaints against me, and asked when it would stop. Pamela said to me, "You know what would make us really happy and how you could get rid of me FOREVE? Have a mental health evaluation and then I will be OUT of your life." That is direct quote. At this point, I started telling my family I needed to get a lawyer. My parents thought it was unnecessary unless someone had already taken my son away. I told them it would be too late after they took my son away, and we needed to clear things up before it got worse. But my family underestimates my judgment and they have little knowledge of the justice system in general.

c. CPS claims MOther feels she was targeted. I don't think I used the word "targeted" but I have said this is politically motivated. I never went on and on about my medical issues, I don't believe, but I tried to expalin my position. I'm sure CPS can bring out the email I sent them and it can be examined. In that email I expressly INVITE themn to OBSERVE me and my son interacting together, and if they ahd any concerns, to let them know we are often out in public, more than in the house, and if they had any questions or needed more information, to please let me know. CPS had plenty of opportunities to see what kind of a mother I was as I was out in public more than I was in the house.

20. 12-05-07 CPS Referral. I went in to the hospital with severe migraine; they refused to treat my migraine. They have done this countless times. It's refusal of standard of care.

21. 9-14-07 CPS referral concerning a cat. I do not know from whom this report came, but it is obvious to me that it came from someone who took a call from someone else and it got mixed up. Baby WAS teething. I never said my son held our kitten by the hair and tht it purred in response. I told a nurse, or someone from DSHS, he absolutely loved his kitten and I was teaching him how to pick it up properly instead of just grabbing ahold of the back of the kitten. And I said he had chosen the kitten himself and tht it purred more than any of the other kittens there. I had been holding my son when the nurse, or DSHS (can't remember which) called and this woman told me I needed to pick up my son and take care of him or she was going to go. She ahd called me specifically for information. I didn't want to speak with her on a second occasion when we could wrap it up with one call then. I find this entry very strange for CPS to report in this petition. I'm sure I did get upset as she was insinuating I was a bad mom when my son was teething. It is not "paranoid" to think she was implying this, because, according to the record, she DID call CPS. So I was right. I suppose if I'd been wrong one could try to claim I was paranoid, but I was right.

22. 5-30-07 CPS Referral that Mom is upset. I can't answer to this except to say that to me this is exaggerated hysteria again. I know I did not scream. I know I did not have a breakdown, nor was I on the verge of one. I never threatened to sue anyone who asked for a mental health evaluation. I don't think anyone was asking for one at this time. I do know I was going out of the area for medical care after the cover up by medical professionals regarding my childbirth incident. I know they tried to make me out to be a problem.

23. 5-30-07 CPS Referral. Hospital Injunction. I maintain I have a medical malpractice claim against the doctors and the hospital. I have never "threatened staff" as that is normally understood to mean. I have said that I would hold them accountable for damages incurred during childbirth and for defamationn and HIPPA violations (they faxed my medical records which were screwy, all over town without my consent, to clnics I wasn't a patient at). After I threatened them with medical malpractice lawsuit, for the first time, the hospital decided to take legal action and "get her first" to discredit me for an eventual lawsuit. So they filed for an injunction. It is true I was at ER that many times, not always for migraines; several times it was for pre-term labor complications, after-childbirth complications when it was after normal regular doctor's office hours. The records will show all of this. My PCP medical staff actually TOLD me to go to ER on a number of occasions. For instance, one time I went in for what I thought was food poisoning (very bad vomiting by me and my son and cramps--worse than flu). The rest of the visits were for status migrainous--unrelenting migraine for which I needed treatment, was refused; they claimed I didn't have them. I gave them the 2 reports from Neurologists in Oregon, the state I was living in before where I was diagnosed with migraine (I've only lived in Wenatchee 3 years). They wouldn't listen to me. They refused to treat what was very severe pain because of their assumptions. A local PCP confirmed I had migraines and he had a pain contract with the Wenatchee hospital for me to receive morphine injections when I presented it to the hospital, if my meds at home (narcotic, prescribed) didn't work. He was my PCP/OBGYN until the delivery of my son. WHen I told him I had to find a new doctor, he told the hospital I was drug-seeking and to remove the pain contract, leaving me with no migraine remedy. Because I was without a doctor and without medication for migraines, I was forced to go to Wenatchee hospital. My former PCP who did this to me was Dr. Malcolm Butler, who was the director of the Columbia Valley Community Helath Clinic. He was actually the one who prescribed narcotics for me. When I was speaking to CPS, I knew that politics were interfering with my healthcare and the care of my son. We were esentially blacklisted. For example: After being refused by all Wenatchee medical facilities, from having a simple X-ray taken for severe tailbone pain (which was covered by my insurance), I went to Seattle, and the X-ray showed not only a broken tailbone from the childbirth process, but a pelvis with multiple fractures. In Wenatchee, they were trying to say my tailbone pain was in my head. Just like the migraine headaches which they were trying to call "tension" headaches.

24. 2-26-07 CPS Referral from Hospital. I have the records for this complaint, and no one said I was yelling at my son. I was never angry with my son. I took him to the ER because we were both vomiting uncontrollably. They said I jerked a popsicle out of his mouth; that is a lie. I told them, after they kept trying to force him to take a frozen popsicle, to stop, that he didn't want it. I was too sick to explain he didn't like frozen foods and I hadn't figured out yet if it was from extra sensitivity to the cold from his lack of tooth enamel or what. I kept asking them to stop and they wouldn't so I took it from the hand of the nurse, NOT from my son. THEN, the nurse documented in her own notes that she again tried to give my son the popsicle, out of my sight, and he would NOT take it. The report that I had no car seat is another false statement. I told CPS to check with the cab driver who helped me get the car seat into the cab. Had they done that they would have learned the truth. What happened is this: a nurse from Central Washington Hospital went out to my car and saw a car seat IN my car, which I left behind, and so she reported me to CPS, assuming if I had left one in my car and taken a cab, I didn't take a car seat in the cab. But I had TWO car seats, because my son was borderline inbetween sizes; the fire station had just given me the next size up the day before (and told me I could use either one at that point). SO I still had the other one in my car and I took the new oe into the cab. CPS writes "it is unknown if she had a carseat for the baby in her car." That wasn't the complaint by the nurse in the original CPS write-up--they complained they didn't believe I'd taken a carseat into the cab to secure my son, and the nurse DID see the second carseat in my car. Pamela has completely altered CPS's own account and initial report of this complaint. In their own documents, which I have, they first say the nurse went out and SAW a carseat in my car and so complained I hadn't taken one into the cab (she went all the way out to the parking lot just to look for something). In THIS allegation, Pamela changes and contradicts CPS's own report and now claims the complaint was that the nurse DIDN'T see a carseat in my car, and so she wondered if I'd been driving without one. The fact that CPS has altered and modified complaints coming into them suggests bad faith. Also, after CPS first called me about this and I told them I had 2 carseats and that the one the nurse saw in my car still was one of two, and that the cab driver had helped me secure the second one into his cab, I also told CPS they could check with the fire station about whether I had 2 carseats. I also gave CPS the cab driver's name and I believe they called him and verified he had helped me put one of the car seats into the cab. It is odd that CPS attempts to resurrect a complaint they dismissed as unfounded, and has modified it from their first report, which I got copies of. This shows a direct motive to purposefully do the medical professionals a favor and make their complaints sound more rational and legitimate than they are.

a. 2-28-07 CPS Home Visit. CPS did come to my house and asked me to lift up my son so they could "see him" through the window. I was holding him and I stood up and they saw him.

b. They saw his face and whole body and then said, "okay, we see him, he looks great, thanks." They didn't see just an "arm" through the window. I did NOT talk to them about the FBI at all. I said I had migraines, because they said the ER doctors were complaining I was going to ER "drug-seeking" when I was pain-relief seeking. I denied I was "drug-seeking." I do not recall saying anything about NOT BEING schitzophrenic; perhaps I commented about Dr. Parnell's medical chart note. I have never used the word "conspiracy" to anyone in describing what has been going on with the medical community. That would be their word, not mine, but if the shoe fits...

c. Numerous Calls from Mother. I did call CPS asking for copies of their records on me. I did not make numerous calls or complain about being harassed. I asked them how to obtain the CPS record of referrals and they kept telling me I had to go to their office in person and I was asking if I could send them a release by fax or have it mailed. I asked questions about the process.

25. 12-08-06 CPS Referral from Hospital. It's true I comlained about my treatment from the medical community. When I was a student at Portland State University, I had medical coverage through my college. I moved to Wenatchee,, Washington because my grandmother was elderly and needed help. I had classes in Portland and commuted. I spent 3 days in Wenatchee and 4 in Portland, and when I was in Wenatchee, if I had a migraine, which was my usual bi-weekly experience, as usual I ended up at the ER. My student insurance covered ER visits but not Wenatchee clinics or PCPs. At the time my doctors had not, in 10 years, found anything besides narcotics that worked for the migraines. CPS writes now that I was angry they wouldn't "give her any more drugs". I wasn't asking for "drugs" and wasn't "drug-seeking". I was always pain relief seeking and then distressed when they refused treatment. This is the history of why CPS has all of these calls from the hospital. Additionally, Central Washington Hospital has since been removed from a level which allows people going to ER to be treated for head injuries there, and other critical issues, because the state determined CWH did not have neurologists (the same professionals who know about and diagnose migraines) to be competent enough to handle certain injuries. Now these people, anyone with a head problem, must be life-flighted out of the area because CWH had their privilege removed in the last year. Additionally, when I was in Canada, I received an IV for a migraine I was having, and it was something the U.S. had never tried on me. It was called DHE, which is an ergotamine and is especially effective with migraine. It is non-narcotic and worked immediately, without sedating effects. This further showed I have true migraines and that they were never treated properly in Wenatchee. Wenatchee has DHE but they didn't use it on me and this is a standard migraine treatment. I believe it may be they were so determined to claim I was "drug-seeking" they didn't want to give me something that actually worked, but for which I'd have to go to ER for each time because it's most effective through IV, which has to be done at the hospital.

26. Criminal History. I have no criminal history. If there are no convictions, someone has to just say, "criminal history: none". Instead, CPS makes a point of listing stuff that had no merit and for which I'm not guilty.

CONCLUSION. I request that the court dismiss this petition as groundless and order the return of my son immediately.


(That's it. I think I WILL edit this and include the CPS allegations with my response below so it's easier to put together and read--I've changed my mind. It will be easier for now to just write out the dependency petition on its own and have people compare my responses with their allegations). But enough for now. As you can see, there are no allegations of actual abuse or even evidence of neglect. the whole thing is based on "what if!!!!" and a bunch of mass hysteria. the real damage to me son began when they removed my son from me, without exhausting other options, and to protect their own interest and interests of medical friends. it has never been about my son's interests and I know other parents in wenatchee who had to deal with this town's politics, understand. it is absolutely incredible that the "allegations" pass for "investigative" reporting, or discovery or "findings".

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