Thursday, April 10, 2008

Request to CPS for Son's Medical Records

CPS is still refusing an MRI for my son, and Wenatchee doctors refuse to authorize one or refer him out. I talked to a good law firm about what's happened, and they're interested!!! Thank GOD, and let's hope I don't piss anyone off this time. Frankly, I don't even care about my own permanent injuries except as it proves what happened was very, very, wrong and proves circumstances that led to my son's damages. I would be so happy if my son just the justice he deserves, and for my name as a "bad mom" to be exonnerated. I sent this email to CPS this monring at 10:20 a.m. I know I'm not a velvet hammer. I'm a mallet, but you try telling ME to be NICE after everything that's happened. Email below:


I need to find out who has custody of Oliver. Is it my aunt Holly? or CPS? I am talking with medical malpractice lawyers who are very interested in getting involved and want to see Oliver's records. They work in a variety of states on brain trauma issues and medical malpractice in general. But they don't do dependency and need to know who release of information requests would go to. Does my aunt have a right to fill out release of information requests, or is it CPS? I need to know today.

I've gone through my records, and realized I don't have my son's medical records, and my memory was refreshed to the fact that although I made requests for both MY and MY SON'S records many times, they only gave me the ones for me and always refused to give me records for Oliver, except for maybe once a long time ago, and I don't have them with me now. The speech therapists also feel an MRI is warranted and that brain trauma cannot be ruled out. My son has problems speaking, and his head injury was exactly where the brain handles this function. The language center for hearing and comprehending language is on another part of the brain.

If CPS wants to continue joining hands with doctors rather than on behalf of my son's best interests, it may be a very serious mistake for the future. These are big-time attorneys who are interested in everything that happened to my SON, and ME (which I don't care about as much), and the kind of relatiatory politics that are playing out now. My son deserves a REAL advocate, and so far, it is NOT C-P-fucking-S.


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