Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stolen Journal?

What I wouldn't give for someone to bring me a cup of coffee. From Starbucks or Torrefazione. I've had tea already, but I need some coffee and it would take me a bike ride to jaunt down to the cafe now. Which reminded me of how Rabbi Rose used to bring Lorraine coffee from the deli or cafe almost every morning. Hmmm. Marriage could be a very useful thing, I think...

I lost one of my little black books, or it was stolen from my bag, last trip out of town. I think I had my bag unzipped and it was just sitting there for the taking. A journal-sized notebook with just a few entries. I hope someone wasn't looking for dirt, and that I don't have obsessive fans already.

Nothing else was taken. Just that book. I can't even remember what I had written in it, but not very much. I did have some phone numbers in it, which I then couldn't call for a ride when I got back. D., yeah, that's why.

Guess I shouldn't travel with journals anymore, or anything that looks like a journal. Especially not with what's going on. I don't think I lost it. I've never lost it before and I didn't take it out of the bag, and it was always sitting upright, but I did turn my back on it a few times. Just not thinking a stranger is going to snatch my journal. I still have my bag, but no journal. I don't know when it happened but it was there when I left town here, and NOT there when I got back.

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